mn. Christ is canfcntnrd, MARK. VI. him Baplzxt vclrmrlyrl. I .
ssrrss. word that was spoitctr, he saith un-I ,1. D. 31.   8 And cottntratnlett them that thev l·
rum; tu the rtrlr·r· nf the syrragogtre, lte,—•—· should take nnthnrz for {heir jour- `
not afraid, only J: hclieve. lf 9Ull-QU-20 `nev. save a stalf onlv; no serto. no
him 37 And he sttttertal no titan to fol-l Jrrt·.ll.-t0- l hreatl. no ¤ nronttv ii1Ihezrpt11·si·: ‘
hrrmr; low htm. save y I‘t»:ter, and .Ian1es,t!/ “h·9·E· 9 ltut be shud lr with sandals; L
rlrrrw and Jolm the ltrntlier oflatnes, l l'l·"3· and ttot"tiut on ttvn enals. l
qq for 38 Antl he ttotneth te ttte house of l Z `hm'H‘ l l` r tit And he said nntothcrn. in what ‘
Jn on ~ the ruler of the sytraeozttt-, and la AC q 40 a' 'place soever veenterinto an house, t
seeth the ttnnnlt, and them that 1, M, ;}"r.»` there abide till ye depart {ruin that
rr€;_··;m wept. antl walled tzrcatly.   ;y`,·i;;_ plnve. 1 t
rzrteat 39 Antl when ho was emne in, he' l:.l6·ls_ tt And wltosoevershatl rmtrertnive . l
him: satlh uttto thtetn, Why make ye thts 1..tr,5.l-t. you. ner hear you, wlretr ve depart
ado, and weep? the dataset is notl {tilt.-it-. G.) lthence. shake nt olfthe dust under T
lysed dead. hut sleteptetlt. 2 lu )lt\l·l3»$·l, tyuur teet tor a tt-sttnrotw axanrst.
hthgr ~ttt And they lauzhetl him to seortt. M- lthent. \`t-rttv I sat- unto vou, It l
urn;) But when he Irad tut theut all out, A rl“"·G- U- lshall he more toheratrle t`tn·St·dtrnt¤ l
gsm, he taltetlt the tittlrer antl the mo- C ({?|·l·lg· and Gotnnrralr nr the day of judg-
rmetlr ther of the tlatnsel. and them that dv   tnent. thatr l`t1t‘t!r:rtt·tlv.
wgtrg, were ttittttlltttn. land et1tt¥i‘t:tlt iu ` L :1,;, 4   t2 And they went outiand pt·eaeh— l
g saw w navel te l atnse was lynn:. r' rr' ` etl that men should re ren=. it
·ll And tn- lord; tht: damsel hy the   tit And they cast otttl many 0 de-  
,~,g¤y. hand, and said unto her. 'l`a|ilha g t,_;,{r_rl5_ vils, and anotnted with orlp many
at ttte Emu:]tvlrteltts,t1ett;¤ tnterprtztetl, Jr·,2.lt, that weire stek, and treated Hem.
eeme anrse . say tttrto t. ree. ar1se.z1 Ir )l.tt,tt.35. 14 An q tain: llerod heard rl//nm,
tt she 412 And sttnrnrlrtway the damsel Lu.l3.22. (ritrhts name was strreatl alrroad
l 1ir·q_ zrrose, anttt watlketl; tirr she uiaj af _   atrd he sand, ’l'hat Jnlrn the ttaptrsi
- and tm aye o twe ve years. Ant t tey * *" ·   was rrsen t`r·otn the dead, and tlrt:r·e— r
l and _ \Vf}l‘€XlSlOI\lSl10l1\Vllitt1gl'G1ll·2lSl.Ul\-1 M"l·“;J; Tre nntzlrty wrrrlts do straw tlrrth
is intent.   t tetttselves ltr lnm. ‘
rvlrlrrlr 43 And he charged h thetn strznitlyt L"]?,‘l,‘Q‘; 15 Others r said, ’l‘lrrrt it is Elias. j` r
l·c;rr·5, that no man shottttl knew it; atttll ,,W,;QQQ And others satd. '1`hattt is a pre- ;
itunes guttrtttztttdett that strtnetlrtng should 1 '1`ttt·tter.t trtret.‘nr aj one ofltre trrotrtrr-ts. ‘ ‘
spent c given rt-r to eat. _ ` sigtriiies a tl} but w ren Herod lreard /itcrerl/Z
hm., ()l»|Al*’l‘L]l{ \¢]_ |n¤c•: ot he said. It ts Jrrlnr. whom I lttrlread ,
rrgcflq 1 Chris! is mnlenmrtl qfhrs rumilry-` l"“`$_"*0‘ ed : he is risen front the dead ; l
_lr~strg_ men. 27 Jtiltzzlftigtfzxt luheutlnl. l ‘lf‘t'·*“ IT l·`or Herod hnnsett` had sent 'I
, and AND he went out from lhenee,] l;‘,ll':`i`?"‘°'} forth and lard hold tttrorr John. and I
antltzanremlohts owneot1nt1‘y,` {IA: alan ` hound lrtnr nr trrtstmtot‘llr:l‘t1tllas` ,
gh but and his tllsvntlt-s follow htm. · mi":. Mm sake. hrs l>rollrer t‘lnhtr s wrle, ter {_
2 And u when the salrltallr-tla_v, mr, Im thenad rttarvtetl her. ; .
mmm was <·ottn:,ln· Ireuan to lt·.tt*h m thet r,,.,»,.` H is t tz% I`ot·.hdrrr had said tttrto tlerrrd, ,5 t
rd she , syrrmtoettez atnlitttzttry ltetultn: /1/tgt trim, lr. r lt 1s!notIl:twl`t1l s tltr thee to have rr l
realed Wtrrtt ttstttttlslwt, Siwttts. ·`t‘»·ut I g··rrr-ralthr rtlry trot nrt's wrt}-, ;l
, whent·ettatlrtlnsmun thesetlitnusl, ntmttey, 1L) 'l`lrer·etl»t·e llerodins had it a li ,
ltnotv- and what wisdom ix this wltitch rst I_.tr.*1.;$; quarrel autnnst trnn, atrd would `l
s had given unto tnnt, that even stath I4 t»t~»t»;la. have killed lritn; hut she euuld r '
atroul. { {ni[:l;ty; works are wrought hy lrtsi§r;\§·Ll>;i»3 rrr)r§;F U If H I Y k   ` ;
uuhurt rant s, _ A   ,l· _1.t ·or eret earet . o rn. ‘n0w- , j
3 Is not this thc <·arpeutet’. then, ‘_*‘ '“ ‘ nruthat he was a lust man and an , ,
ry him, son ettllary, the lirotlter¢tl`.l1ttttcS.¤,%T;,¤,,,7 l holy, and -\ rrtrstrr·t·ed htm; and
mart;. atrd loses, and ut` Jttdu. and St-l ;{,J_Q_{;,r_` ,wtren he heard lrrnr, he dtd many g _
who nrtntrt artrttxtrrfdrtrt tris ststxrs {noir; ;;_r;r_   tthrris, arrlllln-ar·d hrrrr gladly.! d 'l `
Wit tus ttl ui W€l‘¤ v Gm Ut rr 1.tr,I0.l7. ‘ ; nt w ren a t:onvt¢trtt-tr ay l
tout to tl! hun. y ,;».Ia.5.lt. twas <‘otne.thnt tlerod on hts uhirttr- il'
ing. ` 4 But Jesus said tmto them. c Atq)l:tl.l·l;l.‘<¤. day made a supper to_lns lords, I
rg and t prophet ts not without ltonour.hut t 1.t¤.5*.r,*·f*· tirrlrlrdr; _ tv
hefure own kin, and in his owtt house. l M·*‘Ll(>·_ll· ‘ lj! And tvlrnrr the rlrrngl.tr·r· rn tht-r J, I
uLh_ 5 And f he eould there do no ·]l·f`·lr·1"· lsard llerndtaseatrre rtr, and danced, ll
mug};. r nngttty work, save ttrat he lard his ` "lj "{; "" ;1· atrd pleased lterott and tlrerrr that l·
r rtree ‘ hands upon a few sick tullt, tutdl ;':jl)_,(, tsatwttlt lrnn.thr· ttm: said tnrtothe  
whole l\t:1lll¢tl lhrnt. _ , Hx4H];_` thnnsel, Ast; of nrt- whatsoever thou ~
6 And he rnarvettedg because ot   t;,,._J__;_7_ , wrlt, and t tvrtl erve rt thee. _ y I
mama their tttrttetref And ft ht: Wttttta .,,_r_,,.rl,,,,.v` 23 And he swurc unto l¤cr._“lmt· r
ogut-:’s round ahout the villages, te:telrtn!.l er-_rar~rtr.rrrr. sor·t·e1· tv than shalt ask ot me, I l t
, Thy 7 Wl Andi he walled unto hun ttte u t;r·.·te.20. will elw: it thee, unto the halt of .
rublcst twelve. and trettatr to send llretn u t~.3.tti. tiny ktnetlonr. l
1 thrth hv two artd two, and eave te L>.J.It,G· ' 21 And she went forth, attd said   ‘
-d the them power trvergtmeleattt stunts; li? l unto her trruttretg5\\'lrat shall 1 ask! { ‘
r r I