 ' V
him. 1 O/'diU07‘CL‘77lC1lt. MARK, X. 77tc rlmiycr of rinltzs   I
all not ` B And they twain shall he onecl A. 1). H2, them, Children. how hard is it hir I I
flesh: so then thev are no more —-—+—- theta tltat trustqm riches to enter U
Tend It twain, hut one tlesh. into the ltinxdotn of God!
relieve 9 \\'lt:1t.tlivt‘et'ore God hath joined *2 ",P"·§-W- 25 lt is easier for :1 camel to :0 ,
that n toztetluer. let not man put asundvr. l·I1-’·“l» thr0u;:h the eye of a ucedle, tlutn .
tut his lll And in the house his disciples “`, 3 3, for tt rieh man tu cntcr inte the
ie sen, ;l$i{l!d han again of the same mnt- “ ' ` `li} if kingdom of God, _ ,
thee rr. "`Q Bti And they were astonished out _
hee td 1lAttd he saith untotltem.f Who·   of measttre,4 sayin! anions; them- "
t, hav- socver shall put away lns wife. and, ]t;U_7_ | i_ selves, Who then van he saved I 1
ll,intn marry another, eonnnittcth adul- 27 And Jesus looking ttpon them I l
teach- tt·ry azatust her. ;K Jl*'·l$'·lYl· tsatth. With men it is irnpossrhle. { P
12 And if :1 woman shall pitt L‘*·l*»l’¤· that not witlt God: farr with God t i
lt nor, away her hushzmd. and he married h F , , 1,. all thtuzs are possible. ' `
I to another, she tzutnnulteth adnl- ‘l " '“J' l 2Sl1l'l`Itleul’ete{t>emY1_to sg): tut]   `
ttee tery, {)t:t·.ts.10, tn tttu. o we taye et a ,:1tt ,
hee ai lil 'ii Andy; they hrounht young: tC1·.t-L20. have thllowad ther:.
raving children to httn. that he should l1’··.i!.1. 29 And Jesus answered and said, ;
l, into tottvh theta: :tnd his diseipltes re- R‘·l·*~3· lVer1lylsav unto you. '1`here is no ·
teach. linked those that tirouzht I/nm. ,1nan that hath lett house, or hrc- { I
I! lint when Jesus saw 1/, he was 1 " WL lg·l6~ Ithren, or sisters, or father. ortnoth- { t
h nar, mttelt /1 dtsplt·:m·d. and said untol L ,q N2`; ‘0l', l!)l·\t·?tl·i·. wtnin yn tha;. l slioxthl dtiitor you! ,.
5.2 . ut te was sat at t tat saytnc. ,` ,-_ 1t7"i<·y san un o ant, ran. ttn- tg g
sam ina} went away grievetl: tbr liu, I·"·I*·‘H·*‘· to ;ts,;liai]we may sn,ftne on tiny  
  · tzu creat possessions. t rtu tt tant , aut t te o ter on ty ,
5;,.:;; 2t Wi .\nd Jesus looked round "‘\°·m·2:· ]lt·t`t hand. in thy ulory. _  
ahout. and saith unto his ttiseiples,1 _ U __ $§rillttt,lt~st1s said unto t,hcm,Xc in I
fllm llow liardly shall they that. have *`1`~*--·*’—I»l3 know not what ye ask: ran ye , (
mule rtelucs enter into the ltingdtnn at M, ,,, ,drtnl< ot the eup that. I drink ot Y I I
Lind! ,“ "‘ " ‘ land he liapttzed with the haptistu I l
mm, _2t And the diseiples were aston- 1 I I.,,_,1.5O_ Ithat l aiu hapttzed with! _ ,
and tshed nt. his words. llut. Jesus ‘ dit .\nd they say unto hnn,\\u J ,
` answereth again, and saith unt.u.————T_——~ ran. And Jesus stud unto theta, i (
l `
* I
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