) `
nf Ch"·’l· Chris! is circitnicisul. LUKE, III. Simeon and Arma prnplirtj/. I
us: that all 20 And the sheph<·rels retttruml, A.IlI.1l9lI‘·l. [departed not from the temple, but I `
*¥€d· glorifytnq and prznsnn: Uotl tor all —•— served (Joel with {astiiigs and pray-
5 UNI mttdc the thinzs that they had heard and E Lu I2 3 ` ers tt nicht and day. ·· I
3mUY vf *Y· seen. as it was told unto them. I ' ' ' 38 Andshee comnaqin that instant I
21 And when eight days were an- f'lt»l-QI- gave thanks likewise untothe Lord, I
ilxcdi UVQTY camplishedr tor the etrcuineisinz M·"·l·2l· and spake of him to all them thatv I
of the elnld, his name: was called I, LO I2 2 kc looked for redemption in ·1 Jerusa- ·
{KIND [1'OYI1 JESUS, wlnnhwasst; named ofthe ’ ' ' l` ` lem. . i
I%?7iIV$llIy 3Il{.{Ulfllt%llJl'U he was conceived in It PIX-;}  I 1*9 And when they had performed -
' ¤'tt ~ · · -·~· : 4:.: ·* 1
>I\¤¤1· (IW:   lliilllliylieng the days af heri 1***-*- I7- I tlhielliiiiidi ihhiiriiieidiiiiedliditleigdii I
use and li· puritication, according to the lawl . WI GQ lee, to their own city Nazareth.
of Moses, were aeeoinplislied, they Il M  Im -ttl And the child erew, and waxed ·
nIIéil;'§' IIIS brouizht him toflerusalem, to pre-I ` ' J' 'Iitrong injpirit, filled wfwitla wis-
¤ it Wt t sent htm to the lord; tt1~..:0,t. wom: an the grace o Gee wes
_ 23 (As it is written in the law o{_ , Zupon lmn.
Wlulc they the Lai-tt, live-rylt male that o »t-u· llI`I#°I·f”* I ·tt Now his parents went to .Teru~
TIG I€*"€t*t3· ethlthe wtainh shall be ecalletl liolyI "   siiltiin every ar year at the feast of
»’ *5 IVQYU · to t te Lore ; I · . . · ·· t ie iassorer.
lh h¤rti1‘St— zi Arid to alter a saerittne nt-mrtt-Im (IL. HMO' I 421And when he was twelve years
t1ttt1S\\'t1tl~ iii; to that xvha;h is said in the law ,, i,_;;·_g_ told, they went up to Jerusalem, I
ltlm U1 it ofthe Lord, A pair ofturtle-duves,‘ 1iu,t.i_ig_ latter the custom ofthe least I
B \\'i1S 110 or txvoyuttngIrI1¥eoiis. I I 1 6 I 411 ind when` they had t`¤Iltillfd I
I- 5 And be toe , there was a man DC I-·· the avs, as t iey returnee t ic ~
thc _F¤m0 in Jerusalem, whose name was Si- ISM-'Q· I child Jesus tarrted behind in deru- I
lim! 1¤ tltv mean; and the same man was justI A“·`l'l··· lsalem; and Joseph and his mother I
0\'€r their zmdi devout, waiting for the ron- 1; J-, 6 Ihnew not afi!. I
salaticntc of Israel: and the llolytp   I It llut they, supposing him to I
lllft Lord Ghost was upon him. I g0_;;_ I have been in the ezompany. went. a `
e ulory of 26 Anel it was revealed unto him I Ac.t3.47,tS. ‘ days journey; and they sought him
tout them: by the Irlaly Ghost, that he should ~ Iamong 2/zczr kinstolk and acquain-
tl. notseel death hefore he had seen q 15.8.14. Itanec,
imo tlwtu, the Lore1’s Christ. I ll?-9-$!~$9» » ·t5 And when they tbuntl him not,
lu”t1tZ )f0l1 27 And he came hy the Spirit intol   _'·I~¥m·:I· they turned haek again to .lerusa—
VY. \Vll1<3h the temple : and when the parents ·lI"·3·_II’; 1 lem, seekun; him. '
I brauzht inthe eslnld Jesus, to do tl¤1‘I ll °""‘t°‘   ·tG And it came to pass. that after
'1\tlll$Itl11}'. him after the custom of the law, I,. Ang; 27 ~thrt-e days they tlmnd lmn in the Z ,
. Sttvtour, 2,8 Tlioni tool: hI· lnlm up tnllns I' " tI:1nple,sittiiIt{ In the miilst of thi  
· arms. ant lilesset tim ,an·l salt. s .1at»,t¥¤.21. eortors, hot i ieartnz tietn, an
SiL’n unto ztt Lord, now m lottest thou thyt , , I, I. asknn: them questions. I
abc wrap- servant. itt-part m peat·e,1iat:eo1‘t1-   III? I ·t7 Anil all that heard him were I
S, lying in ing to thy word 1 1 I ' " ‘ astiunslieel at his undcrstandingy I I
lll) l·`or mine eyes have seen at iv` ~ ~-~ »— ~~ ant answers, I
was with salvation, `I, _,`,._2II_-;_   -1:4 And when thcv saw lnm, they   I
Ifther hea- lll \Vha·h thou hast prepared he—— l·i·,_5_;,_ Iwere amazewl: anel his mother said I
, and say- fore the face: ot`al1 people; I Innto him, Son. why hast thou thus I I
32 A lighttoliahtenthep Gentiles, v v¤r.;Z3. Ielealt with us! l>e·holtl, thy lather t z
::liest,and and the tzlory ot`thy people Israel. _I I I I and I have sought that- sorrowm:. I {
1ll toward 33 And Joseph and his mother lm mu ' I txt And he said unto them. llow is   ·
marvelled at those things which w vans!. Iit that ye sontrht me! wist ye not I
as the an- were spolee·not`lii1n. I l=.ll.£,11. 'that l must he about z my l·`ather's `
rom them Lit And Soneon hlessed them, and I FI .3 ,5 Ihnsiness! I ~
nerds said said unto Mary his mother. lleholel ` 1{I_‘fU‘I ' all And they understood not the ·
w no even this rlnhl is set for the tall q anelI ` ' ' saying which he syfahe unto them, { =` ‘
this thm: rising auain of many in Israel; and yrltvl-Qld]- 51 And he went 1 own with them, ‘
which the for a sian which shall he spakenr I"-lif’-ih land e‘:nne to Nazareth, and was I
nto ns. atzainstz I M`“·'·lI· Isnhjeet unto them: hut his mother I
haste-, and 115 (Yea, a swords shall pierce I _?l".;lIE!ZI. tkept ri all these sayings in her I I
, and the through thy own soul also,) that It m°"‘ `l* °’ heart. I t
the thoughts ofmanyhearts may he ; Jnu.5.tT. I 52 And Jesus inetreasedlz in wts-
en i/,they revealed. I U.t. Ielom and istature, and m favour
he saying 36 And there was one Anna, a ___I I with God and man. Q
uneernin; prophetess, the tlautqiiter ot` l’ha· ,"li'I"LOgS I t7llAl"l’l·Ilt lll.
nuel, ofthe trihe ot` Aser; she was I "’ "" ' 1 .L27m’s gtrmcltizuy uml Imp/ism: 15 I
‘el it won- of a great age. and had lived with L- vt:r.t51. Ins lcslimmiy ty` Christ. lt) Ilrrotl I
teh were an husband seven years from herl lsn.2,ZG. iniprismalh John. 21 Christ is Imp- · I
tls. virginity; I5 III IIN tizrzt: 2.1 hi.? gmcntoyy. 1
se things 37 And she was a widow of about; I ° ` NOW in the: tiiteenth year ofthe I
heart,. i ' fuurscore and tour years, which I —-T reign of Tiberius Cesar, 1'on- I
a I