· e ’€t .$ Y
,· 1 It tt {rl ’!· i
* li rt 1 , .
t , ` ‘;—   j Age and genealogy af Christ. LUKE, V. Jllzractzlotts draught ofjisltrs Chnsr
» 1 ~ Ei gt 1 of Elias, when the htmvcn wztst ,4,D, 31, ,1ie, rebultittg thm, stithwtztl thor their sh
P . 5 Ty, [pl. i shut upw three yours und six‘—•—- 1mt·ittis`»tetiI<; tkirtliey ltttuwtht- u.ll.u_1ul
Q ,, l°t` ! rrlonths, when txrcut liunitiu wusl J F l_ the wus C irist. 1211 A
` 1 ‘, `·   tlimuulttuit ull the luntl: tw “"" " l 42 And when it wais tluy, he th l\€ \\'1¤i
‘ , ,1 if     , 2G But unto mint: ul`tltt:m w:ts,I2Ki , H lpurttetl, uml wtwnt. intti at tltesg mult ih
‘ i l ll l i ll Elms smut SING ‘~“‘l‘-‘ S*"`*’l’lil· F'] `J` ` Illluvci Bud tht: pmplt: sought hm Jusus,
l ’ , ` ]]i   ci/ynl`Eitltn1, untu u womun [ha! q¤r_c,;u_ `untl eumc untti htm, uml stuyt sought
, t all ,_ t wnsuwitltiw. { ` htm, thut he shtiuttl mit depth ‘•vtll.lh·
t it ¤E· . 27 Anti :0 utzmy ltvpvrs wtzrt; in ls- y ]¤;_37_1.1_ tram thtem, _ IJ .\u<
,5 tl [1 I Incl in the linttc tit lZl1st·us the pro- 33.33. , »13 Aiitl he suytl unto thtem, I mnt ¢ulu‘l\¤‘l
, LI ‘i E] ;,l` phct; untl _ntmte til thttm wus t[`>l't‘ll('ll the k1n;;tlt>tn ut Gtitl to oth Chun t:lt
3 ,,   ft, l ` clt:ut1sctl.s:tv111:·;Nuutnuntl1t:5yri:tn. t : Ju¤.F.§?l· feertutius ulsti; tlrr thcrchire /1 um l0l*i`}'
* t *1   {" , 28 And ull thtey in tht: syttztgtigtte, l0··$U· suit, ll .\u
l `· ; ij: up Q Eilitrti thiyliteurtllthcst2th111;;s,wt:rc H 1*),,, W, 1 ·ll Ant] lx tfrfvuclttetl inthe sync; Willa; 1
L 1, ;t Q {Z. 5 ct wit iwrut 1, ' "‘,. T`? Wtiguus 0t` `u i t:t». _ W "*
. it   ·   ` 29 Anil rtistr up, und thrusf him A¥I[,‘f;“B29',O CH \I,v[·FR V NNY l*}"
· t ·. Tl .   out ttf tht: trtty, uml lutl him untti H ,"]'l§,' 1   _ ‘ ‘ '_ . . will I"!
, t - »t t· , Q . , — , .   L- · -· :1 C/tml lcathzl/t 011/ t;f1’tltrss/tt; ];, Bu
, ,·   lltt, lnuix t»t tht, htll “l1ttt,tn1 _ ._ _ _ [_ , . V,
» * '>’ .’ their ttttv wttc t»tti1t,1htt;ttmyutjgtlttb M,_,._,m_ -1 A, ttttttttttiutttt tznttyt! tt/mrtt, [her`; tt
, 1- ~ ,1 , . ’ . ,, ,, V 1 12 1/tu ltytcr t,]tv11t.sttI. IH 1tt— may H
1 Lusth1tt1tltmtiy/l1t.ttllt»11,. _ _ I ,,.. ., . il
I 1 2; _ 301But he, passing: thrtiusgli lhciu ur, Jtutty.   h“"“‘ "' L mst mlm t;€"_"t i:‘
’ t, mit st of them, wunt his wuy; l " W"`,"
ii H BlAmlt·umt1tlt>wntt1l':tpt·rttuutn,*r J¤»Z'.l9· ANUH if Puuul tn 1'¤i\5F.¥lli1l.u .10 Ti ·
sv ucitlyt>t`G:tl1lut:i tttttl tttttght ttiotttld H ' I thu pvvplc {¤r?#ictl]ult¤~t¤ hir "iE’ gl:
· ,_ t ,, , , un t tc suhhutli-tuys. *`¤”·* · tu ir·u1· I ite wtwrt ti hit. ic stun J 1 ‘
. , I ,; 32 Antl tht·y were ttstmiislitzd utl I _ thy tht: lultt; til` Gt>t1nt»surt:t, tain tl.
  _ tl tf? , his tlotttritttv: lbr his wurtl wats ° C1l,‘_·]l£·3b ‘ 2 Antl suw two ships stutithnz hy that'? _
j :· tp with u ptiwter. DTH yi · ,tl1t>luke: hut the ltshtertmen ww iI0¤[Ul'¤
_ ‘ ` ‘ ` Bil Tl Anil b in thu sytiziqtvsuietlicrc   ,' ‘ut>11t:tit1t r>l` tl1t;111,z111tl xwm wugh. WEB? U
· , `=‘; wus zi mutt. wlmeh hutl tt spirit t.1` ‘ ' ‘ ' gmt; Iltttrttmls, I [ Eiigslwj
1 `2' un unttt·:ut tltevtl, utitl crtutl out flpvgq, 1 Ii .\tttl tot-ittt-ret iiittitvtivu tht · i '
_ ,     , with u lt>utl vtm:t;, ` '"` ships, wh1t·l1 wyus Sttntnfs, unt wlls 7""
·- y   31 Suy111u,il l.t·t its ultmc; whut   Q M_l;_g_|;_ lprttyml htm thut htv wnnltl thrust _1B hl *
,‘ -`· lt hurt: wt: tti tlti with thvte, Iltmt .lt··t` gr, ttul :1 littlt: t`rt¤m tht: luntl. Anti h» ln, “ M
It ¢ _ ' , st1st»1`Nuzurr:t|1'! :t1’L thtiu vtnnte tt»l Mnr.l,i5?, mt thiwn. uml tuught thc puoplt “'*'·h i
li · tltrstrtty us? lt! Itmtw th··t= whti icc. lut1tt>l`thu ship, "'F””·"
l · , thuu url S tht: rt llnly lJm· t»t` Gtntl. l ·1 Ntiw when ht} hutl lt·l`t spt~uIt— Mm hel
' · 35 i\ntl Jt-~u.< rwhttltml h1m.suy111:, """‘\rr“” , itiu, he suitl untu Sitntin. l.uunttht 19 All
[ llold thy pt:ut·0, untl tumtt: tiut t»t' mr I , , `tiut mtu thc tltscp, utttl lot tluwtt by “lf_°
t _ liiiu. t\;ttl whtin thti tlutvtl httt] Mau'],/{T; lytmrurtg1]1y·utl;·;1tt;;11;, I ltlxiftli
" liruwn ttm in t it: mit st, ic rtlmt; ,, ,·· 5 Ant Simtin, unswtrrmg, suit uu- ii
  uglt of hltut} untl hurt him nut.   tin l1itr1,lMustu1} we hurt- ltulutl tilt 2;** 
" ‘li Ant lttev were ul umuztatl, ,t1tz 111:1*, unt hurt: tultt·u not 1- _ _
3 uutl spulitv utntnit: tl1t»n1st¢lt·t;s, shy., ;, Mm._m5_ img; ,~ new,-;|1,.|,.>s, ml my “-Urdg Jesus.
—   tn:. \\'httt, u wtirtl ts this! 1i>rw1lh, jwtll lt·t tltiwn thte ntst. 20  
t , 2 uuthtnrtty uml ptiwt;r hu trtimmuml-» (('ll.\l’. 5.) _ 6 Anti tl wht·n thtey hutl this tltmtt, he Ml
ly , , cth Lhte uncluun spirits, un·l_/`t.lit:yl U I X W Ithtey mt·ltist·tl tt grtvtit lmultitutlo  
* Z Ctrtnv ttul. ia · l ·‘· ·» tit` tishvs; untl thtzir ntct irultu.
  _~ _37 Atttl tht: lhuite of him wnnt tiutl V 5*_"·__ 7 .\ml they lvtztnlctmutl unto Hm`: $9cS I'?
IE .‘ 1ntt> t·vt·ry plucu tit` the tntnitttryl M‘"·l·l'·'t&‘·_p:trtnnrs, whitzh wt-rte tn thu otlwt  
,2 rtttittte uhtittt. - fb_]n,,·2l'U' {ship, thut they shtmltl cntnc untl Gull In
it . ua H. .\ntl hc utttst: tint nl`tht¢ syn- lmlp nt thtem. Antl they t·:m1t:, untt _, *1,
', »_ u1!r¤:ttt=,:tt1tl vnturtetl mtu 5t1ttt»n`s'C ]·;_1g7_1,g, ltilltetl lmth tht: ships, sti thut lhcy 2% J
  lttsust:. 1\t1tlg;N11nt»11's w1l`•;'s tnt»!h»Q 1;;.-,35, 1 1, lwuuu tn sink. _ thi".5
  , ter uns tultun with u t;rt»:it lt·yte1·;, 11, 1 H \\ hv—n Simon l‘t·tt·r suw 1/,ht· YHVUN
V ' und tht·f‘ hcstiuulit. htm hir htar. l _ _ lltrll tIt»w11j:il .lt:stts'|tti0t·s,s:1ytttu. lgilrw
_g · 39 Ant lit: sttvtitl twter liter, untl ru-, fl FMI}-l>· lltipurt i`rt>m mu; {br I um u sinful _. _ I
lt hulitstl tht: lttrur; uml it lt·1`t ht;r:l (··*·U·9~ 1n:tn.O l.t:t‘tl. Ella H
A uml, ttttttttitltcttvlyl slit: urtrsu uml , L 1,* O3 G El l·`tit· ht: wus iisttinisliietl, nntl ull éimlsl
1mn1stt·rt:t unto litem. ‘C "‘· Ig' thzit wterte with mn. utt it: druug tt .
  ~lU1[ Now whten tht; stm wits snt-l §i,"::7;‘ ltif tht: fishes t; which thtzv hull lu- Sm] O}
l ‘ tina, ull thtcr thztl. hutl univ swhl ` "" ` ll:t·i1: ` E L9 {mu
E " with tltvrzrs tliswtstvs lirtittulti thtem fJtt.Iil.1J.   ltl Aml sn thus ulsti Jumus uml 2911.1
,l ` untti htm; uutl hte luitl his httntls, 9*}.0} t.lt»lm,t!1t: suns tif Zuht·tlt:t·, wltit·h Mala,
1 utitcvcry unc til tltum,;mtl huulutl H\'·]t·l$· wt-rt; purtttt¢rs with Sttntln. Antl ggf; \
V them. l ]’·"·¤~ l.lt·~tts suttl umm Smmti, l·'t:u1‘ nt>|: bq- {J
 i =ll Antl tltcvtls ulsti trutm: tiut t»1",, pS_S»Gu ltrtttu lit:t1t·t:ltirtl1 thtiu shult cultih  
—  · , Ul7\ll)’. *Y|’Y|lli: Ulll. lllltlsityllttt,il`llt1l1‘ b i I 111t;11.   IL
, urt Christ tht; Sun trt`tJt1tl. Antll-—•t} ll And when they hull brought Bow