cfjishrs, Chnsl clmnsclh n Irpcr. LUKE, V1. Ilc ca/{{71 wr/71 sznmw. , 3
rrcd thu their slum \n> luunl, they ibrsuck h A. D. Bl. { 26AudIl1<:y xwzmulluxuuzc¤1,:nmT , —
knew ih;. ull.$1nd hallowml hun. `———•——— { they ;;1ur11iuclU<»d. und I were HU- `
12 ,E Am lit mruuxu in pass when K, ud w1lh|l·ur,s:1ym»· \\'e,]1:u.c secu `
uy, he d, he wm rlrlx z1<*c1‘lzu11 (uy, buinohl, :x,]‘ M“li}`·jQ· Lstraunzm: Hxingx invdqcy. 1 I g
in desc- mun fu of lupmsy; who seeuiustl . - "2".' 27 'H Axulu urlur Ihusu L»in·:,rs 1:: ¤
**12hi hiu. ]¢¢S¤¥*, i¤i!| wu MS fame. amd hu-\ HH‘3"’§' xwcnt ihrth. mul szuv an pubiiczm, ;
nl stan sought hun, szzyunz. Lord, 1i` thou mh, Q G kc wuunwd l.evi,sming ut thu rucript x
JL de ,1; w1lL, Llmu mmm!. make me, zh .111. ¤ _ .. mn r,u>L¤>1u . and hu and umu [mn,
IJ . . )I1r.l. lO,A.<.. _
13 .?1u§l1¤: ;»uL1~»1·Lh }41sh:1ud,uu>}\ hxlluxv mc. I 1 ·
m.Imu5 tuurzm u1u,s:1y1n:: 1 wxllz he ; ·2;·*_r_]g H 28Aud hc ufl: ul msc up and
ud Lu um thou <:lc:1u. Ami 1m;m;a_h:nLuly the A H J Y fullmvcd hi1u._ I _ ,  
rch um Icpm>y Ll¢·p:1r§<·¤l 1`rnun hum. I lI.n.l·1.-tykq, 21) Auml I.cv1 mndc h1m H Krcni, {
1·l Anal l1c(t1:¤1‘:1:d him lu te I mv i1::1sL iu Ins own house: undv — `
the sm;. nimn: huh gu uml show lhysuif lu\m)i¤t_.1_Q3_ tlz<:1·n: was :1L;r¢=u\‘.cmu|m11y<»f pub»
' @~ no p1wu>l, amd uiipr f`»1‘1Iny¤:1czuns-| )I¤¤.3,7. |1i<·:m>:u1xl nl` utlnurs Llml sm duwu
1n:,:ng·¤:·¤n\im: us Musvs mm11mm1—{ Jw·.0.l. `wuh llu·m.v _
_ , , cd,Z1»¤1·ur<:sum¤»uynumtlwm. y ` 3Ll1$uLll1<·11· s4·r1hcs:1ndPlmr1sc¢·S
,/Cys {Q"! 15 DuL >o11u1¤:h [lm 1mm: \vmx\,H}W·Y;|·{3. 1xu1rm111···¤l ugaunst lus dmciplus.
‘ Qlqmif; thcru ufzum; uhmml ni`l11m: and mk M·‘*`-U-·¥U· saying, \\'hy mln yu out uml drank
. ‘ ’*` rcui 1m1ll11um11cx‘sl
Sl mlm E81¤_r,:nu1um1x*1v but Xlnvy that
mlm hi;] mtu the: \vAl¤l<;n·1w>s uml mznyud. M"‘J"5*M‘ izme sxck, 7 _ 5
he stm, I7 Auml 1L czum: Lu mss un an amen I, Q, , 1312 I vzumz m»L to cull thu 1’1;{h\-  
,, min day, us hu was iunvluug, 'I   lm»us,lu1l sxumvrsz\¤»1‘u]>cnl2mc0. `
uuhngh) thuto thqrc \vm:rcvI’11:u·1seus amd mm; IB 1[ And may uml umo ham. 1
mu wm-; doctors ul the luws1I.l1n;:|»y,wlm:h ]S_;_|$_ \\_hy do tha; d1>mpl¤·s nf John hut {
re wash. \V€Ii€ cuxue um uf cvury town on 4;;_g5_ ull¤:u,:xu1l muku p1·uyc1‘S,um}l1kc- ‘
Gulnlec, und Juxlcu, uml Jcrusu- \v1su thu zlzsriplrx nf thc {)hi1l'lSUlJS; '
ue gf uu lem: uml thu power uf thu Lord rJuq,5,s,1z, hutyllniuuvnL:uulmlr1uk'l
mg um Wus przsczxl to lwul them. Lil Aus:ud umu them. Cnu yo
hl {lmh; _`lB 'U Aml,p lmhulml, men lymughi .~\~\»\~"L1s:1lI,:1uIlmsu nluys. ·
m hu¤·:u1>¤: of Im: 1uu1lm1¤1•·, Hwy u Ah1.i\.9,kc. 36 1{ Ando he >]mk<: zxlsu :1 pam- ` l
pup] Im. §¢21xll11pux1 thu imv1s4·-wp, uml lm, N~\¤‘·i- U- l\1!u\1uY¤1flu:111; No num pultclh :1 {
mlm] uh [!I|(l1\\'Hl]lX'*»\1;]lll\\! {mug mm _ pxmzu uf xx mew gurnnwut. ugmn xm [
tu {my], gm couch, mw lhu 1md>L imhm V °h·'¤·I»&*'·`ul¤|: 1i`<¤\lm1·m>¤e, than lmlh vthc {
,» wm-dg esus. _ > _ new 1u:xk¤eLl1 u rout und the pyccs- : 4
20 And whszu lm suw Lhmr {mth, wJ"·S··Z·!· Hhnt, was In/vu mit of thc new Q  
xg; Lymm he sand umu hun, Mun, thy sms are _, I, __ 10 uazruulh m»LI»w1lh Lhx: old. ; 1
mlmudg forgweu lhccl _ _ JU %é]`i;{;_‘i _Li7 Am] 1m1mmpuUuth new Wim: z Q
;,]m_ 21 And thc suulwus und t{m1‘l1:u·|~ ITU   ' 1r\t0uhlln>ltlus; ul>u\hu1mw wmv 1 7
wm ` Secs bcgxn Lu ruusuu, $::)*1112, \\/hu U .,` `( ' wall burst Lhu lmtllcs and he s»iLl- _ ‘
{hm _ K -1..,3.;. I r
lm » IS Llus whmh spvuluxllx hlam »hu- ml. und Um bottles shall ucrxsh.
mh" ‘ 1 wx r ‘ lm sun · all at ‘
me H ] mms. nu can uwnvcq sms u )_-_3_‘ 3—_ u new wmv mus 1u pu nn n » ·
mmglizy Goal nluuu! D V ye] I ` J umv lmulcs; uml bmln urc pru·   `
lm [hw 22_ Bu!. wluzn Jesus perceived ;],_gg_]g_ saervngl, ¢ * `
' I.hmrl11uugl¢mc:nrIh {hx: lurrlrv 17 /waist/1 20 and x
had Lx . I nyc 5 lg » y
L9 {urqxvfz $111:1, (hu smd uum thu ‘ ' ' prcgn·h»1/1. .
.. _ 1 $10*01 L10 pu sy,) l suy num Lhzenz, CH `P_ 6_ Nba 1L muuc 10 xms nn thc
  A1·1su,:mnl_rtuku uplhyuuucln,u11d ( I ) A s¢·<:u1nl>:xl>hulI1 uélur lhc lirst, , {
L AM gu uuLuLh_1nu huusu. JMM-|z!·l, [hut, lm wuu\_ Llnymxqh Lhu com- ;
iu. no.; 25 And um11u1]mL<:Iy hu msc up __§<$· tmlds; uml lus nixsciplas plucked ;
L much before them, mul umk up that M”'--{W H10 uurs oi`curn,:u1