EUEZIL Chris! ittslrtnclrl/n. l.UI(l£, VII. T/tr crttltnrzattkfnnillt. `  
  do good. uml lennl, q hnpinzz mr A. I). Ill. doeth not, is llkn: :1 muu thut with- ‘
. mthing zuzutu; und yontr rew:tI·d ·-•——— out nt Ifotuul;It1nm hutlt uI1_ lI0uIsnz l
. .- ·hull he nrrneut, uml v· ye shull het tn: ,I .. , Iupott t ie etnt t .u,nut1>t xx uc t t u, I
;;d\:lI;?g;hi.ln]rne1t?l>l` the lligzhest: tor hn: ts q   tstreutn thd hezit vehemently, und I
(ind unto the uuth:nukt`ul, und [ul l1u_uuethutn:ly tt tell ;/n uud the rnui V
IIIIIIIIIIII,l1e evil. II I r M·¤t.G.·t5. Iot tltut   I
. , 36 Ile ye therefore mernwi ll us .. I `·; ' ` -` t . I =
':IlII;III;Igyuur Futher ulso ts tnn·rr‘Ii`nII. Y I I MM’I'l’ I1 T/Ic hullI Mat. lU.·t2. lrxlntttnnty qfjultn. Q$6ID[n1ru Jllag- I
BI   `tnot nn: eonuleutnetl: furgtvc, und ye, ,I _ _ nit/mr: annnttnltl/t Chrtst sfuc!. t
IIIc'I5T;:Qsl1all he forutveuz _ I" I"’9‘I2‘ NU\}’ nz xx‘ht:n_he hud ended ull `
’ 38 Give. uml it shull he tztvent I, yI,tI7_g_ I lux suytnus ut the uunlteun:0 of
IIIIII,,I,II,unto you; good utezmntrnc, pres>cn1 ;»1M_t_z.t_ the people, he entered mto Cuper·
I I;Ié4_Q]0xvn, uml shuken tozetltntr, zuul .t¤,z,t3, nuuul. I _ V
II, [III,`IIrnnnitt: uvur, xhull tm·nI :Ix‘e tuto IU IIVVI II II I 2 Amt Vu cnzrt:unI cet1I§nrtnmsIiIer·
' Inourhnsomnz 'ttru wit it tn:sum_nc · t - —’~ -,vunt, Ixv to xrus neztr Iunto rn,
_ . , measure thut ye nuete wtthul tt II I I IIII_'xvus sick uml rn·:tdy tothe.
  2IIiII`;lut.ll be meusnnred to you u:zuu., Ix _}IID,]3(III;_ I 3 Aml xxihttu lu: lteurtl ot`,lesug, he I
CISIIIIIIIJ S9 AndI_he epulfe :IxVpuI·uI»ln·VttIItuI t_;_;U_ Ijteut utItn» huItV the In·ltln:rTI nt; the I
. ,. .t em: uu w tie itm out to, ews ttesoen: mw utu un t· I
THQ &§t»lind? shtnll they not both t`ull1uto‘* ¤r. xlnnnll inc lwoulil come uml llieul his serxtttnt, •
" the nlitnvhl _ I T¤Zt'·¢`l¤I¤-Y, »l And when thn·y_ n·ume to Jesus, I
I.I , ,IIII 40 The J: nliseiplte is not uhnwc hns fm '"“-‘“"~ theyltesnmglttlntn t1t>t;uitly·,suy1ttg, l
‘y‘.tt—‘ »—‘¢- ;n·=$t1tn=,;¤;;t~*‘¤,·‘t. L··· F .‘,‘\rn“     t we- l3{3:¢:tl‘t.?tt:?n *‘ ‘’*° “"’ ‘"‘   "“ l
IIII,IIIIIIIec sta. cus usruuse . Ig,,_z_I__gt_ ._ V I   I I I I
. 41 And whv heholde>tI lltott thc kp, :> l·ot hc loxethc 0urn.ttu1n,,nul I
theta unt- . ·. V, - . ., ,
tl l tl , . ev — _ le l nth ltutlt us u Annu: illlfi.
, mtgniiiiglgixigstilitnttltlluirlietiill chant lé,:M“°·7·l°·l7·I lti 'l`hn·u Jesus went `xilith them, I
hm nilcjn thine own eye ? na xm I, as In\nd when he wus noxv not tur from I
‘ E }°\*‘ I42 Either hnI3v rimst Ihuu suy tIIl ' ` ‘ “‘ ` tfho VItotIse,V Itlte eIetttut·toIt Tent
-,t brother, rot ter et me pu ,¢nn·»t·npc. rten s o um, sayin: un o um,
IlIIIII1·I·IIII;tnuli the mote thut tslitI1tItIttun»ync,‘I IIBI II II_ Lord, trouhtI: nl Ito!. Ilty5nsIt’;   1
· `when thou thyself bn: to nest not ~ ”· L-- ”· tum not wort ty t mt t tous lou esl ,
,uurn unt · . . » . . . .
the hcutn thut is tn thtnu uxxn ego? J- entor uunlnet my roof.
IIII III€,Thou lix·puet·Ite! n::L~L y out 1ir¤t lho C €iiIQIiI?iIiI;i 7 \\'ltn·ret}>re ncttherthonuzhtl my- I I
‘I - 'heum out ot thuu: own t·yt·, umlI ;I;II_;_gI_ >t:lt xxorthyto n·omeuutotluve: but t l
.1* _I°r Nthen shult thont we nwlneurly to pullt ;;3_tt_ my c nn u wornl, und my servutit
ubc llmotnt the mote thut t> ut thy hm-l t.:».ti.7. shull ht: ltoultlnl.
_I _,ther’s eyt·. I V _ I S l·`or l u|>o utn u umn Set under I
l¤I“IIU*n 43 ].·I,I· ; it good treo hrtn:n·th1tn¤t,_h fli’·'HIIIIjI fl \\`lu·u Jesus ltnturd tltnese things, I I
r ulso tln¤ignl‘glXl~lil;l5>tl Fiiiititiilhlttt of the good g _t4_t,;;;.;5_ iiiinlluiltlitiljllilinldhztilllinilitiillllteuiiizllil I  
mh ““°I{trensttre ntt`ltt< ht·urt ltruu:n·th forth plnt thnnt tollowned hun, I suy tmm I · `
“ U'V“"·‘thqm n·titn~h is goonl; uml uu _evtl A ~\\'~\ ~“ you, l huvnz not touunt so gre;ntf;ut.h, I ,
I II _I_ IIImun nut of nlu: n·x·tltrneu>tnrne ut hts [I p,-Ig; I$_ no, not in larucl, I I
fl "j"L Ihcurl lu‘utun·th torth thut whuih is t|t,_.t_t.t_ 1U And they thut were sent, rc- I ,
*"·Il"l‘“l evil: tor ot` tht: uhtttulum·e ot the I_II II I turuuu; tothe house,1otuul the ser- I It ~
W llilmultnxntrt his mouth sptzttlanetlt. ( · ’- 7· vnuu whole thul hutl heuu suck. 1 t
u‘I‘;II'"°l 46 Wl .·\ml why ntull yt- me,n: II.ornlI G )t:t:.S.5,§¤n·. ll 1l I\un1Iit nwuuu: to push the duy , J
" " *““Lurd unnl do not tho tluutns w uoh , ut`ter,t tut te went 1ntoun:ttyt:;ttl~ 4
I I I my; H Ib ·II;'£IzII’· net1Nuiti; uml uuuty ot` has dtmtplcs l
‘“i‘ Ulf 47 \\`hosnu·vter tztuneth to me, uunl "‘ "‘ ' went with hun. uml utnnzh people. ; l
!_l‘**I fulheziretli my suytnes, uml nlovth C tl{»I5.It. 12 Now when hneraune ntghtotlte I
l‘I** lIII;IIihgm, 1 will show you tu xvhotn heI IIIt.:».II.VI ;;utIn» ot the etty. ht·lIt»lnl.ItlttIrn; xvaue I
" ` is like; I mt.I.. ». tn t ezut ntuu n·urrtt:n ou , t te on y I
W ll'*“'i· 45 lie nl is hkn u mttn which hutlti ¤·l»Z· sou on lus ntotttor. uml she wus u
·’ dv \:WI'l]I'\ll0\lS(£. uml nh:t;n·nl