Ir`s' AI I
LIL; if; Parable QF/IM .vIII·/It LUKE, VIII. Christ rcbzzftxrlh Nm Ivfmis. `  
il I, ,,I· I   'I`hI»I1 uavest me nn hiss: hnl.I ,tl [7. III. I `IlNnwZIlueI¤:n·al»lv isthis : 'I'hcm
I b,,I,,,, IIhIs wnnmn, sinvn the time I Ianne ——•— 4 sr·I·Ilistht-wI¤1·IluI`GI»d I
" m hath not Ievasteil In kiss my ieotl S l’~-Zlii I2 'l'hI»se hy the way-sitle are they I
IIIIIL wh, 46 My I1 heaml with ml than Ihvlst I It lII"#I‘I#§3- that Iniar; Ihen Izmmelh the devil. I
Im,] II",,`\10t_1IIm1nI,: hut. this wIm1:m,liaIh` _ II’;’···_·*- zmtl Ialcelh away 11 the wonl nut of I
HU WIIIII IUIUIIIIIIII my ti·et with omtment. ’ C   thelr Iiearts, Inst they slmuld be- I
47 \\lIerI·I]»re I >ay nntu Ih¢·i·. HIII Ii', Ilievv anal he saved. — =
CIIIIIINII IIer sins. which are many. are Ihr- MVIIIIQEI I 13 'l`hey tm the mak rm? Ihr;/, I I
,.u` and I given; tnrslte II»yI·Il match: Init III MI,,._;_;;I_ which, when they hear, receive I1 '
I MWIIIEI whmn IIIIIC IS IIn‘gn‘en, Z/Iu samr: IUII;;_ the \·.*<>rIl \vIII1IIII¤y;aI1Il these have I
,l,,II‘ WI 1uvI:thl1¢tlv». I II _ I }jIiI9_s_ nn rim$.p_\vhicli Ihr xx while he- I
,,,,,I,I1wI 48 Anal he said untn her, Ihy smsI I(`II.-\ I'. S.) heve. zmtl Intnne ufteniptauon fall I  
IUIIII are I?n·:n·I·n. _ II Mv.i17.3s. away. I
II _I , 49 Ant] they that sat at. meat with II M Y-ill?-I lt And that which 1`ell anion:
I,,I.§(I:I:I_1IIn1 Iwcan to say within them-I ,Q{¤*`»_lI· $l· II1<¤rin>aI‘I·tliey, which, when they
IIIIIII II III selves. \\Ihu II is this that IIn‘;1vetl1   IIIIVII IIearIl. uu I?>I‘tII, _=I:Id ari
·. I I_s1ns a so. I ·   II] (ami »I wit; vamsaixt nn ies ant
  IQO [tml he said to thc wn1nan,iQ MIVI, gxp IIII»as*1rI·suf,IIi1.I·l1II;, and hring nu I
And III; Ihy Iatth hath savetl thee; gn In €1'._II   IIIIIIIII In III:i·I`¤:<=In»1I. I I
IIJIICIIHS pence. I M,,,_5_Iu_ I 5 Int Inn an I ne Etna zrnum I
C]I,\PT]§}'{ YIIL If,1,.,;I;g_ are they, which, in :m lmnest antl I I·
*UII**tI Ul 1 VVmnra nI1`m`sIrr1mt0 Clirix/. 4 T`u·   IX`] Iggy, aim]   °"I‘I'l* ,,]I—‘.`IgIIII·m(Ii I
I pm-II/III II; III; we-UI IIIIIIIII nr I‘,,j':,6’;,,·· ~III‘,I‘I fII{’;f"" "“‘=· I"' ‘ '"‘ :
  g€IcI;IIII/c. 115 'l7Iclr;1i0IIrv nothing is svnret that I
I ° ` cre wi I nm; ],I;;_II_ Isla nI»l,I1eniademanilbst.;Itcitlter
  III, 2AnilnI:erIamwmnvn,wl1iclIhad .l:tll.2iI,;II. fray Ilzirw hu! that shall not he
Im III I II;;IIIIIe:tIe?II1I   Un§1ItsaInII 1n» u I·s.IU¤.I§, IIsueverImll1 I I
V rut s s I2wnrII:n1I sus·1nna.nnI II ‘·_ ·· nat, {min lmn shall he taken even
IIIMIII III many _IIItI¢·rs.I wlmzh nnIn~~It·rI»il Y'   III:II.I\‘I1iv:I1hc tst·Im.e¢lt tu have. I I
II Im r_ untrg him r· III tm·ii· snhstamrte. I ,,I,I‘U‘,I‘,0 191; 'l'hI;n y r·amIet<1lmn7I1s Inn· '
ZIIIIQ I 4‘II mal when nmuh I»¤·I»IIle nvtiie III-,‘_I`_`II,_‘ l|n·i· antl Ins llmtlireii. ansl euultl I I
IWIIIIIIII ;::1t.lnaI‘I·Il II>;I;Iln·r,anIl num mnnte I_II,,,_;II;_ nn! mim: at him I`¤n· the press. I
IIIIIIIIII I.0lmn out III evI:i‘ye1ty,Iie spake, ]7_ I 12llI\n. ln·ck;_I'anIlI _ IIT; I;jI· IIIIIIIIIIIII-II IIIIIIIIVII In Ir UIL M rd of I _
  ¤··~· ?€lt§1T2?!li*33-Ei"i1E-Tl’§L‘IEill}-I-..lIILI*I’·I?‘·*· I WI NIT"? II-“"'l`? 'Q   °“?` I · ·
  ·*=I ·¤~»I~t ··I-·». `   `   ?I?$_.:&F“· L§;l,.‘§i*2.i1Iii;.t,;11l..I;:;`?.§,lI‘i£;‘§;.;I III .
II] MII, IIIIIIAIIIII *II‘:'TII’3II m“‘l'l¥ 7Il“l`;I$1_{1 w.I.•,|_zI.3;_ IIIIIII Ihaam, l.m.IuslgI;m·eriiHI,I»II];;; , I
III __ . e Ir .· sIn·an;: nn wi 1 I II-I.,19_gI5_ In ner site ul` I Ie axe. An lII:‘ `
  and I*III»keIl 1t._ 1 II )InI.I1L IZ, Iannrchvtl llwrth. I   I
IIIISI·I IHLf\iInIIII¤Ihe1I<:Ilr>x1:I>nIl grmintl, I Qui?. Lil lint as they sailed, hc fcll · ~
uml III III! ;·lIItI¤I]=~II\It, ·ttI Illlll IIIII ;I"»*II¤¤IIIII; asleep; and there rame Ilutvn u I I I
IIIIUIIIIII QIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIV ,InI yxlaen he had I IIIIIII  snmn ol what Im the lake; antt [
IIIIIIIIII Isiliu It}  IIIIZSI IIIIIFILII, IIIJVIIIIILI /* · · KI v they were Iilh-Il wil/I water, ant! I
I \1tI.¤I1sIII IiI_.II,I IIILI nm hI·.n  I MIIII3II,2· wfre In jeapanly. _ I
um WUI _.h   Its I I>.II1I¤ ts_.IslI0Il lnm,say- MI .,I ,\nIlIthey mann: tu lnm, andn
SIIIIII I MI5, \   Iiilnzlntltlns II.trah|e he I  : MMISIQIII awake I1n1I,s:II;In:{,)I:tslt!1‘,I!Iaslcr, ~  
I IIIIIII I III ne ;IIs.n¢ ,vInII¤yuII|I is;{1v¢·n xm we Iwrislil Ihen he amse, and ‘ ‘
IIl“_IIII_I do nogyc II.IIIn:.I0r1es ot Iheltniq-I MI,,._,I_U;_ rel»I1hI·Il Ihe wnnl and the mein: I
“_IhhI_II binmlou IIIII I1I1IYt;¤uIliers1npara-I M_ III the water: anu they ceased, and ,
WI IIIIII _ BSI l·* >'·'»llI—s ( Ill") IIIIKIIL HM Iz1’<.II»t.2I}. there was acahn,
DHI see, and hearnig they might nutI ]s,ul.U,IO. ;:» Anil he sanl untn thunI,WI1cre I
·· understantl. IT Is yuur hath? Anal they, bemg