IMI t·I=I=*‘ V i ` i "
I I, I. _I_I_ Lcgzmt oftlcttils cast ou!. LU K Ii, VIII. .h1irus’ zlnugttlcr raisnl. Hcrml
I’ I2 · ,I IIII; afraid, wnntlt:rt;tl, saying nnc taI A. D.31. I 39 Rcttn‘u tn thiuc nwu hm1st·.· tank ht:
Q II Irl   a.tIutlIt·i‘, Wlnn. ntauuter t>1` uxau IsI —-•— antl shaw htnv great: tluuak Gtw saytuz. I
— {_ ' · . this l far hc t:tnnmantIt·th t:vcn \ht:¤ hath tlnnc ttntn tht:t: Antl he wt·iI   And
I I; II     Y winds uutl watvr, and tht·y nhuyib AIat.§¤.QsI Ihis way, antlvpuhlishetl tl1rt:It:ht:I. sho art
:   Il ‘¢ ,I " hnn. I _ xr. thu whtnlc mty haw trroat than- cnnnntn
. {lt I` II UG 1I Autl 7: thny ttrrivctl at tht: M¤*'·¤·’.·V¤`··G .\ntI
I II I` 5 I t:t1unIi·ytu`LIn:tiattlarcitcs,wlnchis ·tl} Anil inczuuc tnpass. that, whim ed; hut
I I II II   I Ina; Imamsi (;;IIIII~e_ C I;_21_l_ Jesus was rt:tt1ruutl, tht: nt:tt;II· they sht
II I; Il I 27 Autl when ht: went Ihrth tnI Ja.;2.lD. y/ml/u rt·<*uiv<·:tl htm: 1`orthcy wen dont:.
_ il `I   IL; :· Iantl, lhtzrtz uint hnu nut t:i`tht: t‘lI\'{ Ilu.;!O.lO. all wtntintz {nr him.
I I. Ei EII _,` I a. t·t:I‘tain ntan. which had tlcvIls‘ ~ll1I Antl, htchtvltl. thvrel camo; 1 Christ
I I_ II II . ` Inu: tuna, antl wart: ut: t·lt»tlIt:s,`,{nQ_gg_·_;_ Inan nau1t:t1 Jairtts. and hr: was Ilmwl
l I III I I‘ I nt:ttln:i·aI1t>tlt:iutntylIt.It1st:, hut tul rult·rt»1`Iltt· syna:t»gut:; antl hte ll Q/mst
I II LI I   tht: tnaihs, I Ic IC III III I- tlnwn at Jt2stts’ ti:t:t, antl bgest:u:· has hy.
I‘   = ’ It: 28 \\'h::zI ht: saw .It·st1s,ht: t‘ru:tlI ‘ ' " = " lutn that hc wtnttltl ctunc Into ll TlIl’·I
I I_ III I I nut, antl It·ll tlt»wi1ht:itu’t: hnn.antl fI,_ 5I I0 Iit>I1st·; thst
· » . with a ltuutl vtnt·t: saal. What hart: " ' ' 42 I·`tn‘ hr: hatl unc only tl7lI1§.’lllk' IIIIFIII III
‘ II} · I Ittu tlt> with tht·u. Jesus, tlmf Stull ahuut twclvc vt:ars u1`a:e,antl>1 tlt:v1ls.:
' _ ` ‘ t¤I`GntlnIt1stlIi:h! lhusotstch thcty, é' #\€·IG·U$’~ lay a tlyinz. But as he wont, tl. 2 AIIII
· ·; I ttnruttzuttt utc unt. ~ I:t:t>IIlu tl1rnn:t~tI him. knttidwti
I II ,,I 29 (I·`tIr lu: had t~tunIn:tntlt·tI tht: It I>I».I0.1O_11. IIITIAutlawtu1ttttI havinzan isst SICK.
ttucltzau spirit In ctnnt: t:t1tIa1 tha; I’>.Ilti.I.!,Iti. uf blntztl twtxlvu yI·:n‘s, wlnt·h II:. 3 Anil
I I man. For t:t`tuntiun:s Itl1atlt::ui:ht; [spent ni all hcr livin: ttpnn ph;-~ nuthin!
II I I I hiiu: autl ht: was kt:pt hnnutl wilhl .\\\\\\»`A't·itn1s,:t IlUl[ll(¢I‘ cottltl ht: hcalt SUIVCSI
Z . I _ I t:httins antl In ii-tttzrs; antl ht· l1_raltt:I Oy IIIIIII neither
I II I I I thu hantls. autl was tIr1vt:u at thc II IIIII G Q ·1t (Janne ht;ltintl71Im. autl t0nt·hI coats aII
3 `,Zl dt:vil inttn tht: wiItlt~rut::tyt:sL thnu, \\`1I tltrnttlll
ll, ` 32 Anal there was Ihrrt: an hcrtlim Z(`II-II7»IZ-Ittatt·ln;tl nic! E“$I'$’lIE
’i I 0I` utanv swiut: tlxtetliutr nu tht:‘ l`-$$·-¥· -16 Antl Jusns stud Ftuuuhtitly h:t‘ 7 TI N
· mt1nuIain: ant] tht~yht:st¤uL’l1tliun` ttutclictl Inu: Ihr I ]:t·it:t:1vc Il. ]I€iI"*l **
l I _ that htI wtunltl sttlilzrtlictit tt»cntc1‘ It Jwb IB.-1. vtrtuu gt is mum t»ttt. nt' uu:. Z-tml lm I
I ` · I I intn thcin: anil hc stttIt:rt·tltlit:ti1. I I ·l7 Antl wln:n tht: wtunau saw II. III wits}
l 3 31} '1'ltcn wcuttim tltzvils uut ntthc OCII II III Isht: was tint hitl, q slit- I-;nIII;1I»I·; r1st:n1iu
I , I man, and onicrctl into tht: swine: \I`I{_Q g' Il:ling,r autl Gillian: tlnwn ht DI 8 —\**'l
‘ I i ` and thc hcrtl ran vtnltzntly tlnwn al ' ;U_g'I_' Ihini, she: tlt·t:lart·tl uuttw hun. I:t-III I*'J¥II`*'*li
I   steepplaceintotlI01al;c,ttntlwu1·t:I all Ihr pututlt-, 1t:r what vattst: > thu tnltl
I; I. cltnkqtl. I III G III Ihatl tntltriitztl hiut,:un1 lIt1wsln·II, 9 AIIII
II ’ LII \\ hcu they that futl Hmrn sawIF IIZUYI`6 Iht·alt:tl 1uunt:tl1aIt:ly. I¤¤¤·II·*·I
III . ` what was tltnute, thvy 1letl,c antll "' ' I tH.I\utlhtesattlunttihtzr.Ilaughtw I_ht·ar>
N J wtcut autl ttnltl it in tht: city antl Inl III ,I< II Ihte tif ;;t>t>tl t:t¤tn!}u·tI; tlty1`:uthlt:i‘ strclrttn
It I thc tztmntry. I'] II'j}'é' niatlt: tIu·t: whale: :t1uIIn;11t·t*. I0 t' A
l' ‘ I 3.3 'l`ht:n thug: wt·nt nut to strc} `J' ` I »t§I E5 \\'hilt: s hu yt:I sI»al;t·, Ihr wort: rt
Ii ` what wats tlaatz; autl cattiu tt1J•:~‘ _, t:t»uit:th nut: t`i·tun tht: rttltert tu`I IIIWY lI*I
`i sus, anti tlytnitl tht: Iuau, nut t1l` " I`·6{’·_?· Isviiztznutttfs /mtt~·:·_ sayunz In hr mul “`*
I _ whtnn tht: tltzvils wt:rt: tIt:I»tn·tt:t|.l   I'l`lIytl:nt:hI.t:1· is tluatl; tt·tn1l>!t~ I, *l<‘x<‘\‘l I
I I sitttnz at tht: I't;II1 t:F.ltIr thtey wtertz lit- Iht· u1a1tIt;n. JMB _°‘}“
‘I  " kun with ;:it:at It:arZ autl ht: wt·>.tl.tI, I :32 Antl all wcnt, and ht-waIlI lI"I'I ·‘$
I ‘ ' up unt: tht: sh1I:,uutl rt:It1t·ut;tl I»atzkI l—*· hur: lutt htzsaitl, \\'t:t:I»11t1t;slIt*   "·I I"I
  I ‘ I IILZZAIII. I `iitnttluatl, httt slt:t:I:ctlI tt full Il?
I its Now tht: man nut t:I`wl1tun tht: tn I HI Antl lhtcy latitqhtetl him ` "I}I Il("I`
` I " · tltevils wort: t|t:I:arIt:tl. lwstittultt i’=-Ji·T- st·nrI1.w knowing that site ti. II ·I ’*I
. i huu that ht: unzht he witlth han : I tluatl. I)(I,u_` II;
I I ‘ but Jtstts stein hint a.w:u·, saying, ;..—. QI .\ntl hc put thctu all oat, tr N L
I Ls