mg; mn The Phunsms repI·a1.·zd. LUKE, X1. Christ rrpzwlclzdetfz. I  
me [In against uu: ; uml he that gatherethI el. I). 32. I _Z18 And m when the Pharisee saw P
uct: tvtthtne seattereth, I——•—— zt, he n:urve1leIl that he had not I
n higjnt, Z4 When the umcleun spirit isgone I_]IIIII;_ I I_ lirst wushetl hetore dnmert I I
have 1.0ut of a man, he wullteth throuxlil 11.;.6.1. lll) Aml the lIor·l saul unto lntn, l
dry places, seolttmr rest; uml timl-‘ tU.1·1.27. INow dog ye l’lmrtsees 1nuke(·lt·.tn I
shall King none. he saith, l will returnI 21‘t·.J.1tl,1l.Itlie outside ot theeupaml the pla'- I l
Ie not; l*\ll1t0 my house whem·e leutne out, l,,I CIIIIJS IS_ l ter; hut : your inwartl part is full I I
y Clulglp 25 Aml when he eo1m:thI he tlml-I I II II' Iof ruventng uml wtcketlness. I
aging; path il swept uml garnishetl. In ;"II;I I _, »1ll 1}: tools, tlnl not he that math: t J
26 Then goeth he, uml taketh {ui \;jI. ;',I"' that wlutzh is without make that 1 I
yl; he whim, seven other spirxts tnure wiek—‘ I"`   ' yvlneh is witlun also? I
Uvgqttsg*C(1tll211tltlltlf Ihe I
I II (III ' or ms onusp wasasign unto l‘r.e.L:$. uwyers,um suit t1nto nin,. as er, ‘
IIIIIIII y,Itl1c Ninev1t:es,sp shall also the SonI I~._S.10._ tthus saying thou reprouehest us
III,II· 5 nfmun he to tlns generuttonI I 2b~.—l.•.». `also, _
` 31 The queen q of the south shall s uI—,I,II;;C gy I lt} Antl he sand. Wo t1nto you also, I
II,III,II‘rise upfhI the Jutlgntent with the I In rrr;/I;   l:Iwyers! mr ye luIle Imen wulI ‘
»IIImen n ttis generation, uml cond t/num;. turteus grtevous to we >orne,an· I
I:iI;(w.lemntl1t‘shet¤:1ttu:t`rotn the III III.__I_I$_ ye yourselves toueh not the bur- I
I IIIC III utmost. parts ot the earth to hour I ;I,_II7_ nlens ewith one ol your nngers.
Zhe wistlom ot` Solomon; uml, he-I 17 `tt o unto you! lor ye Innltl the
SIIIIII Izmltl, u I; than Solomon zsI "\T ";I"`tseI»t1leltIes ¢II` Ithe Iprophets, uml I
I · ,ucre, J:. :n·.7.t. your lat ters tlet t lent. I _
IiIlIs LL 31 '1`lte men ol` Nineve shall rise I, yIII_II3I;;I 48 'l`ruly ye hour tvitmss that ye I I
III: ')II·IIII1pjn the jutltgnient with tlns gene- _ ,I.II I I3 ullowf the th; o1` vour tutliersz I I
IIcIII.I.I_:1ttun, aml sltullnnulennn1t.: turr ' ‘   hrthey tmleed k1llollthein,y uml I I
.,/ IIII;hey repented at the preuelnng ot ft *`l*;l-;·>$· y<·hItIhltlurtrsep:1lt:hres. _ l I
_’ I.IIII,IIlonnsI uml, l1eholtl,u.greuterthan— l°·i‘*-*- ll) llusretore also sahl the w1s·   ’
IIsIIII·‘1unus ts here. _ *· or, ax you Itlotn ot Goal, lwill sen l them pro- I E
I II IIIIII 33 Nos rnunIwhen he huthhghterl nrc uvlr. Iphets uml apostles, uml srmu; ol I j
IIIJIII 1. cuntlle, putteth zi in u secret L g,I;II_gII_;;I `thetn_tln·ysltatl slayuIu.l perseeute: I I I
_II II,,IIIIIalnce, neither umler u hushel, l»utII gp I :»tt lhat [ltr: hlootl nl atl the pro- I
IIII;¤IIII>n u eumllestu:k,ItIl1uI_tI1I:y wlnehIc IIIIIIZIIIIII plnetj IvlnenftI.¥is slu:¤I1{ro1n the I *
. ,I.:ome in may see te nrt . I ._   jtoum u ton o ie wor i, may ye ·· I
  L"3t Ther light of the hotly is the    MJ ‘retp11r¤·tl It ot this generzttxon; i [ I
IIMIII IIzye: tluzretore when thine eye ts " I*··’·9· 51 1·'ron1 the hloou ot Aheli unto l ’ I
_IIIIsI,_Iung;le,tlty whole hotly also is lull c1~.5S.t$. the hlootl of Zaeliurtas./c wlneh ’ I
I IIII_I, Inflightg hut when{tm1r*r·ye1sev1lIu j~I,;I.III ISI Ig_ pertsltetl between the altar uml the l I
‘ hy hotly also ts 1ull oftlurkness. I _ I _ temple; \‘er11yl say unto you, lt ‘ I
II IIIIIIQ5 'l`ake heeal, therethre, that the I¥U'*·H·3J~j’·Is|t:¤ll he retpitred of this genera- I I
IIIII IIIII_1ght tvlneh 1s 1n thee he not dark- I/1 1»1x.;JttI5; I tion. II I I
IIIIIII msg I Je.:»t.»0. 52 \\ o unto you, lawyers! for ye ·
II III.IIII_36 lf thy whole hotly tlterrthre bz: IIIL ISI llmve taken away the key of know- I
IIIIII5 IIIullufl1;l1t.,o having no part. 4lurk,; II I _) I Iitulgttiiltyeurtlefttot1t\yot11‘seIl\’0S, I
‘ he whole shall he tull ot light, as Il· *·U‘··-'·m- I untl thetn that were entering in ye I
IIIIIIIIIvhen 5 the hrtght. slnurng tv ot` at 1Je,7_:e_ I7ht1nlt·retl. _ _   I
IIII III.Iuu1dle tloth give thee hgnt. _ IIIIMII gl.; ol .\ml as he suul these tlnngs ~ I
I IIIIII I_ 37   Aull as he spake, u ne1·t:1t11‘_IIIIIf0IIIIII unto theui, the s:·rtlu·sumlthe l‘nu- I
IsII_II II.’lmnsee hesou:1Itt.luo1 totltne wtth tI _ ‘_‘ ‘ rlsees hegan to urge hou vehernent- t
' um: uml he went1n,umlsut down In l(~'~lJ-¤’· ly,:nnl to provoke n hnn to speak I
II IIII, 0 ment. _ I-——•— ot`n1.t:ty thing: I
’ 2 A 2 IJ 57 I I