r nfmmir Chnsl ridrlh LUKE, XX, inln .hraxah·m.  
v il, tlmythcu my111_o111>yi11tot11eh:1111:,t11:1t .-1. I). 311, I 42 Saying, if thou hadst k11ow11. l
11ll.lZ he =|1tI1'l}t 110111111: 1 1111:111 l1z1vere1;111r- —-—»J ,r~ve11t11o11,:1t1easti11 this thy 11111*.*1 1
:1 1111111 md mine 111111 w1ll1 usury ! r 1*l1.t·.lf‘. tthe things 111111171 hwlmiu unto thy ·
24 And he s:u11 1111t,o them 111:11, A1:11L,131.}(2. pezieel hut 1111w1l1ey arc 111d1`11o111 i
111, 111111 1st0n1111y,”1§11<1111-11111 111111 the 111111111l, ,, —’;;'- thine eyes. ,
11,,,,1ml, und {f`l\'|i tl to llllll that hath ten I I; ;'·,l;·,;· ,,111 l·:,rtL1,e11:1ys shall 1*1,1111,, upon 1
111 1epr»p0l1I1 s. , F--·· ·`* »· 1ee 111 1111ee11e1n1ess1a eas fr
11 thm: 11 25 (And they said unto l1i111, L0l'(l,l   :1 1rei11•:11 :111out thee, a1111 eo111p:1s’s I
11s:11111n,111e h:1t11;e11po11111ls.) Q·;",·°;-,l· thee round, and keep thee 111 on  
26 For say 1u1t11yo11.'I`l1:1tr unto ‘   ‘“·L‘ every side.
11 him, ll3V€l'jl1>11t}\Vl11l'lll111ll1 sl1all he :11*1:11;   l,l' t 41 A11111Zshr1ll lay thee even with ,
n [lnsh1111n1.1 from 111111 111at l1atl1 not, even l· "l·* Q; ,1110 gr1>111111,ar11lthy1=l1i11lr1·11within 1
,5 ;15oni,,l1nt he hatl1 shall he taken away, ,,,,_ ,,   111101;: 111111 tl1eyrsl111l1not 11::11:11 111  
rem 111111. _ , _ 1 ` ‘ ‘ &o’ `thee one stone upon anotlier; hu-
rn iw mn, 27B11ttl1ose1111ne en01111es,.s 11*1111:11 H ,,, ,0 ,0 ' e:1use,/ 1111111 knewest not the tune
11-],11;}, ;·voul1I 11111:tl1atlsl1e11l1l 1·e1t:11o1·1e1·   ", ' ot thy v1si1:11111n.
- 1; ”1\1 ‘1 IJ · ~
hem, l1r1nt; hither, and slay 1/11111 ",   ,‘, , 115 .»\111l 1; he went mm t11e temple,
[l,Cgc|},,-;(3[or(;111u_ tw‘l"· ···_' · ,:11111 I\1·;;;111 111 Vast out them that
p;n·n|,hq, 28 11 And \vl1e11_l1e 11:111 thus spelt- I l`l1~l$;9>; tsohl ther1zi11. :11111 the111t11:1t_ houzht; 1
, jp,-11S;,1.2u,,11e \\f:11t hetore, asee11t1111g up l,*·;"’·2°· =tG Saying unto them, lt ish writ- ,
1gm1},·,1,0 erns:11-m. yft--·l-1. ten, .\ly liouse is the house ot 1.
\i,umyL|,_29 And I it came to pass, when 1111 ¥"·t;— 1,-, prayer: 1111t ye have made 1t :1 1le111  
lvas coine mah to l1et11p11aze :11111 ·l’·—· ’· o1`t11i1:1’es.
Acrgm, Sethany. at the r11o1111L 1:alle1ll1‘1c Z U<1U·,J·ll· 47 And he 1:111:11tlr 1la1ily in the 1
{U,-(;,,,,,1111ur1l111`Ol.11·es,l1e sent two ot 11:s M$*l·$-9- teinplc. 151111111: el1ie1`priests 111111 i
;, k,,,g,j1iseig1es, _ _ 11%.115*.136. the serihtcs :11111 the el11efoft11e 1
31} Laying, Go ye_111to the 1*111:1;,*1: J¤»§?· 1; people souzht to 11est1·oy 111111. [
,0,, SE,-ypver ugtunst you; 111 t,lac_w|,11e11, 1,1 ,   -15 ,1111,1 eo_u111l1111t 111111 \\,l1at they ,
,,, 1 ,,,,,,1uur enter111;z ye sl1a 11111 a 1:11 lf ’·   1111;* it 1 11: lor :1 1 the p1·o11 e ilwere ‘
),·Cu,),» 1_1e1l, \Vll€l"QUI1}'C11_ never lllilll sat : J" "ll""" very attentive to hear 111111.
110sel11111,_111111 111*111; him h1//mr. "F; ;`Q` ` 4 (IHAP'l`lil{ XX.
,,,,,,.,1 3 31 And 11 any 1111111 asl: you, Why I'   1 C/m.Qtsi/111rcI71 (hose ur/111 r]11csl1`071-
my ],,,,,, .10 ye lpose him! El1llS shall ye say L' **,,1 crt /11.1 1111//10ri/y. 9 T/11* parable
,,,,5 ,,,,,,111etg h1111,,B1ecause t11e Lord 1111111 I, ,,,,2 3 ”‘ (4/ the ez`11rym·1I. 27 The Sa111111ce1s 1,
1e uo1` 11m. `·“‘.· · · mn 11/1111 17/11 V
. , , , ., 1, ., Je.o.6,6. = f , . 1
$,1,,,, ,1, 32_An11 1111-5 th._1t 11 me s1.11t 111,111. , , , __ Alta ll, 1;.11110 10 pass, that on
.»   hetr wav illltl 111111111 even as he d"'·l$·*l··*"’· I 1111eo1`tl1ose davs ·1s11etau·*ht ‘
1111.11 _.· · .. _· .-·
,,[,,,,,,,,,,_1:xdsa11l u111o1h•·111. , u"·%`·,‘é`· the p1·1111h¢ 111 t11e ltcinple, 1,1111.1 l
,,,,1,,,,] ,33 A111l:1~ t111:yw1·r1: l_oos111: the ,,,,,3,, ,,.. pr1>:11;l1e1l the ;:11s111~l, the cl1ie1` `
, ,,,,1,,, :u1t,t111·_ow111·rs t111·1·11111 s:111l unto A ‘ "' ,,Qt 11r11·sls_a111l th1:s1·r1l1es came upon
,_ ,. .jl11-1m \\I1y1oos1·yetl11¢1111l1.! _ _ ,/11111 w11111h1·1·l1le1·s
,   31 X1111t_l1··ysa11l, '111e l11»11l hath L A.:?,:,,2,l,2; j 13 .11111 spake 11111o 11i111,say1111:, Tell
` 1121-111 o1`h1111. _ ‘ ` 'Q "' ,us hy I1 what :111t11or1ty 11o1·st 1111111 ,
S,,,.,,,£_g 35 And 1l11·y11r1111:l1t 111111 t11.l1vs11s: f 1,,,*},; ,_, _1l11·s1:tl1i11u~V11rw11111sl1e1h:1tg11ve ,
`,,f,, ,,,,,,1n1lt11eyeu.sttl11:11· 11 e:11‘1111·111s upo11 ,, `,‘:‘, ,‘f, ,1,111:1:tl11sa111l1oriIy. ,
· ,, , .. .,  ·¤,:1.;.-, gg, 1,  ;   ‘
' *‘‘*‘· 1:131.%* ‘‘‘‘ I ""’ °` “” J`°“` ° 111 111 .1». 1 I"} lit11*1$$121,-SL“0Zé'€11Zll¥‘? -
  36_An1l as he went, they spread M1"‘ll‘l,‘?.' land :1l1sw1:r(111ie :‘- c l  
,,,. ,,,,,,.-11eir c1ot11es111the way. _,,,,, 3 ,, ,i't 4 'l`l1e h:1pt1s111 of John, was it . ¥
,,,,0 SH, .17 A11d 11111:11 he was 1.111111: 111;:11,1, ,_ .,, ,, 11`1o111l11·11v1·n, ur11tn1e11!
,;,,,,,,,,,’ even now at. the 1l1·s1·e11t 111` the ',i'2   i 5 111111 they re11s1111e1l w1t11 them- ‘
111;1u11t11FlJl111·s,tl11= \\'llUll3 11111ll1— "‘·" · solves, Mlylttlf, ll W1: shall Fm'. ’
,,,,0 ,,,1_ugle of the disciples lmean to re- l—·l¤1*1·l5»!¤· l·`1‘o111 h1:ave11; he will say, Why , ,
,,,,,é< ' 1111:1;:11111 praise U_o1l w1tl1 11 loud it or, /11:11gcd then 11e11e1·1:1lye 11i1n not ! ' ,
,,,,, "<,,_¤111ee 1'o1‘:1l1th1:1111gl1tywor1tstl1:.1t 1111/11~1· G l111ta1111 11` we s41y,U1`1111·n;:1llt111; ,
,,,,, ,,,, hey had seen; V (CHA I'. Z0.) people will sto11e us; forr they he ]
,,,,·,,, ,,, ,18 Saym:. 11l1·ss1·1lz hc the King ,, M ,1,g1_gg lp11rs11:11le1lthat.1oh111v11s11prop111>t. {
" 1at eo1111·1,l1 111 the 11:111111 ofthe   7 And they 1111swt·1·e1l. 111:1t they 1
,C,,,,,,,,,...er,] W ,11,:11-11 i11 l1e111‘1111, a1111;111ry )I:1r.1l.:7, ,c11u11l 11111. 11·1l w11en1:1; 1/ 11·us. · I
,, ,11 t 1e 11210bt. _ 1 Mc. 8 An1lJ•·sus s:111l1111t11t11e111, §e1- _
:Jli,T,K,_,,l 39 A1111 some o1'1l1el’l1a1‘1s1:1:s from I1 A¤.»1.7-IU. ltlwr lull l You l1)' ~v11=1l ¤¤l1ll\<>¤'1¥)` I
n,,, 3,,,, 11110ng the1111111111111es:1111 1111toh1111, 7,:7. 1111 these tlnnzs. 1
_ ,,,,,, ,,1h1ster,1·eh11ke thy 1l1s1:1pl1:s. ,;]-,1,11,5, it Then 1111::111 he 111 speak tothe ,
,,_,,, ,', 10 And l1e a11sw1:11:1l:1111l sa11l1111t11 ,, ,,,,2,4;,3, people this p:1r1111le: .·\ rl eert111_11 1 ,
,,,,,, =, hem, 1 tell you, that, 11 those ,e_._ .n1:111pla11t1e1l11 1‘11111yar1l,1::1111l11~t1t. 1
fu, ‘,,,,`.1110u11.l 11old _ tl1e11‘_pe:111e, the: ){,,_1g_1_,or_ 11»rtl1 to 11usl1a11111111·11, 111111 went. 111- ;
,,,,,,,,,,,,1:1r1es would 1111111e1l1:1t1>1y ery out. L; (`1_5,1l,I_§_ 111:11l1r1:o1111try111r:1lo11t;t1111e.
,,0, Km, -111[A1111w11e11l11: was1:111111: 11ear,, Is..3.1-7, 10 .11111 at the season, he sent 11
g_,,,,_, 1cl1c11c1dtl1ec1ty,11111lweptoveruit.,-—·—-_se1·1·11111. to the 11us11a111l111e11, that. I
` “ cJ