I '” Mz *1nlI;— E
" I ·`*i¢ lIi?II‘ e I
" ‘ I in I   ‘€ ` 'Unc blind man JOIIN, IX. restored mul {ll!/’5I/Yl7l' Chr"
` n Il *I`n I: If} Ii`. I . 51 Verily, vcrily, I say unto yuu,I A. I).1l2. Ihis way tlnertehnre, uml u·;i~ c¥‘rIIIII’
·. il hl " Wl ‘II* If :1 mtm keep nny suymg, he shull I —?~— uml vannmz seem!. I‘I I
· II ’ ` ¤"l‘. z never sem sleuth. I H 1I The nn:-nxzlilninnrs thorn?   III
E Ii ji   I Ingiflé Z` 52 ’l‘hun suid thc Jews unto hinn, I Z,Ic_I_5_ uml they which hnznlire h:ntl — `EIE .IlII
Z I, ll ,· 'I I‘;""$ I; Now we know Ihut thou hust :nI lnnnn thut ht: wushlnml,s:mI, ls WIIIII I
‘ I I I III II I I III   fg devil. Alnrnlnunn ns deunl, 2 uml theI _ lthns lne thnt snnt uml lnuzeeil. III, IIIIII
,   Il 5I l I` II   iruphets; unntltlnuinsznynast. It znmun U<`h·‘¤-BLU- 9 Sunne_ sind, 'l`h1s is Inv: nit` ,IL III_
. ~ II II III ' I Jil-n 15 keep my snnyinng, he shull 1neverI sind, Ile ns like hnm: bu! he si, vm, _III
n nl ll li I n I 632 t=·>tc<·td¤=·¤I\¤~ ’~uI.11.i. *“""€· . RI·nI¤}I·i
. I " II In _ I_ I ‘l if 51] Art thou grcznter lhznnn our tin ' I ltl 'llierehnrc sand they untui “IIII’I_O
l I l' Sli ‘ n "’iI JE ther n\lnru|n:nnn, whn<:lnisv>t:s. IIIS‘wIII
I I I ` I I _} I wits glut], _ II CI,_I_5_II_ nnskctl lnnnn how he hud r··<:z¢nrn I; 32 SII,
{ IZ? ' ‘ll· I., 57 'l`luen1snnid the Jews unto him, I S_ IL sni.:ht. Ile siniil unto tlwnn, Ile not IIBII
I I I I I 'l`hou nrt not ynzt lilly years old,uml   i;_g_;In(;_ rluy upon minnc eyes, uml I wxh} Eyes nf
I ` ` ‘ ri   hust thnlu seen ;\hrnln:nm { I Iuml ilu see. 33 If I
`n 3 I   nr 55 Jcsnis szml unto thenu. Verily, \I_,,, QH IU 'l`ln<¢rnei]nre sind sume (nl" III, NIIII
‘ . `   III. *· vernlyIl suv unto you, llelinre l\ln·u· IC ’ ' "' ' I l’lnurisue he keepeth not tht- » IIIII, ·I·
I ‘ _I · I II;I 1IEI QU 'l`]|n;nn tool; they up stones tf} i [Ir. wprnad hnntln-dzly, IL)nlni-rs snntl, lluwqn In SIM
' I     enst ant lnmn 1 hu! Jesus hid hnnnsell, H" CMI/I mann thnt is u sinner do such n: AIII] III;
I _ Ij, I· uml wont out of the ttungnle, win: "I’""I'."·I_ rnles! Amlin L1h:n‘u wzrs zn dnxz— 35 JU,
Z J" thruuzh the nmlst ut` them uml su, Q"' "J [ ‘“ Iunnrnng them. · `
I ..I ’ Mnnnlman. I I . htm ull
n~ j M mg pussed hy, 1 ‘ I7 lluiylsny unto thu hlnml IIIIII III
:I · s if I I I I I _ ui;uinnI \'1:nL suynrst. thou un`: _  
I I ·   (HAPTER 1X' . , dM’·3·l*’· Itlnint he huth n»|»einn·d tlnim· vn h··;!;1(I\II.
ls ~ - I·3~ 1 A mm: lim! was Iunrn blind is rc-— I I .. · , .. . .· ` ‘_
I , _ . _ . _ I lIn. snnll, Ile ns In pruplu t. I III, I_III
I 1   ·‘l°"d [O HUM: U hc '5 ¤~¤·~i’n¢ c2l(iI5.t4. I 18 liut the Jews thtl mit |»n·li» IIIIII‘n
.· In {hu I'/nnrnsrcs: 3t Huy rxmnn-I I.   I, I II II I,. i II ,,., ‘
II _. . IB hI”I_ 36 CIIIISI TLICIIIIPI I umItInnnnn_ unn.I n.n i} .n.nn I _,, AIII
I I I ’"I"I1{” · ;_\_"\_N_ I hlnml, uml rnetzensenl his sizlntq IIIISII III,
I · II . ml '”"i Em 1 llneyeulled tlieII»urn:nnts ut` Innnn: I_IIIII_ IIII
II. · · It - AND its Jesus Iiussud hy, hc srnw _ hull n·n:<:eive· . “~}IiCII I
`  I - hut thutu the works ul` God should *¤l'·*l·l9~ seeth, we kmnw mit; or whnnn “·III-I]$I;
I=  ‘ I » hn: munle nnunifest m hinn, ~ upnznietl his evcs, wv knnuv: nw IIIIIIII III
‘ · 4 Iinnst wml; the wonnis of hinn ni 1+,26.ll. is ·>l` nsw; =¤sI<1ni¤r¤i hu Shnnll >l -11 Jusi
I n · ` thut stint ine, while it is iluy; the Ihr hinnsiclti were hl
nmsht eumeth, when no mam eunn ICI, 7 I3 22 'I`ht:se words shake his Inznn nmyliml-,»
n ·, work. _   I;I_ lneiranntsnz they!1`l·;nredtIne.ln·ws I·.,uI· SIII
~ _I 5 As long us I unnn nn the world, I I1 ymm EL the Jews hull 1\LZF*‘¤