.' III Iiiii £:1.~t ,
3 Ii at 1 11III Ei
I - I ‘t >tt~ %
I   , "= `II·," I Esmpzzh the Jews. JOHN, XI. Chris! rmseth Lazartts, M·aI,”I
__   IIII II   II   2 txi 1t;ttIh_;ttIevll, utttl is ntttt]; why heut·I ,1. D. :12, Iztll things thttt Jttlttt spttltem oftlt _IBI,IIsIIIt
_ I   I ItII:I;I I I I-II IIm_ ~;•——— Itttutt were run. ,
I II Ie It II ""‘i I Q 21 Others suitlI These um not tlteiw cII_g_6_&C_ ·t2 Aut] mtttty believed ctt lt1;ug'AIIII
‘ I I II III II IIIZIVII wertls ttf lttm thut ltzttlt it tlt-vii.] there. “aI.III_I
I ‘ I" 7 `**:·"' - ` I': t lwil tt teh wtl - e· sttf the ,\·3.ll (`IIt\l"I`EIl XI. ‘ ‘
I It I t 1.a* I“"L I ‘“ IC II ‘·_ · I , . _, themt-tt
` It `It II I.II I ytm ltlttttll » ;t.12. I1 (.I‘tt·t.s‘I mtstth ]11:m·tt.t·. 4. I 20 IIIIIII
It II   I   _] II.; I   22 1] Atttl it wtts ut Jerttsulettt tlttzi I przntls qtttl ]’/turtscts rt11tsI— IIeIII,d II'
I 1 II I` · ‘ IITH ii; tbttst. ttf the tletlie:tttt.tttI uml tt mts, ‘ {tt, Irltltl Ut ntpnngsz hint. _ and IIICI
I II II II I I II 3% II-IIIIIIR · tttstttp.ttt.·. Nutty tt tzttrtztttt mms wzts SI1 the IIIIIII
? 5 I II Ii I I `I   Q: E1! Atttl Jesus wulltetl itt the tttttt-I I I II,.   tmzttrtl Lzmtrtts. ttf Itetltttt 21 II.IIc`
I l` {I III I `II I I2? ple itt Sttlt»ttttttt’s pttt·t·lt,m tV° "”* °· Ilhe tttwtt eta Mttty uml ltt·1·sts¤ Lnrd II
I ·= ` II. " ~ ,IIt~ I__·‘?E 31 'i'hett trttttte tlte Jews rttttmlI_ .. Xlurtltu. ‘I.
I .I I _I _.e _ I_ t~1t_3 .t,_ I _ . l>rtttltt,t
I I, tI I II _II t pg rtltttttt Ittttt. uml sttttl uttttt htm. llttwt IIIIIII _I G J (It ttztsthnl Xiztrytthtvltlt :tttttt· 22 BIII
_ ft   I   I`   I .—Ig Itttt: tlttst tlttttt Imathet1_ 1t_) I II 'I`hc>t· tttittas SttitlIt0t1\tttIi'umu|hI;
 ~ 1 ends! I I I I, I ,_ ttltatt ht: sutth tmttttltettt. t>ttt·t`t 32 The
I i I ~   If hn ettllett them gods, uttto " ‘""0""t"‘)' Ilttxttttts sleepetlt; 1 ltut I t;tt,tl. whew _
  · ` ‘ t wltettt the wttrtl ttf Utttl t·;tmt·, uml II _I I, II muy uttulttt htm ttul. ttf slet-It. she {eu
. _ r tlte srwttptttret·:ttt1ttttItttltrttlttttt; MII,. I_I II l I.! lItt·tt szutl his tltst*tItIt·s, It unto III
I iitt Suy ve ttf htm, wltttm the l·`tt-I ` ' ` tt ht: sleep, Ite sh:tll tltt well. ltggu III
It I I Iherltulh suttt:1ttit·tI,/t utttl stettttttttt C ttc_Ig_t;_ I '11·l litttvlteit. Jesus spttlte t·t` tltgt]_
 t Q tlte wttrltl. 'I'lttttt ItlttsItItt;tttest; he-I tt[_3_t5t_ tlteztthz hut they tltttueltt that ji; Wh;
  · I I t·ut1seII s:tttI,l ttmt tlte Sttttttftttttl {I ltuti spttttett ttf tttlttttg ttf tus weeping
I _ _ . 37 It lc Itltt ttttt tht: wtttlts ttf my ti\t·r»I0. sltatcp, which c
. j I·`utIterI heltevtt me mttI. I ¢It.!!.1$. lt 'I`lttvtt sztiti Jesus utttn t!. itt the SI
I ‘ I — 1};% Ilut tf II tht, tlttttteh yu Iteltevet phtmly, l.uz:tt·us ts tltezttl. 34 Atttl
` ` » mtt ttteIIteI1evt·tltt: wttrlts; tltut ye IC “I‘·m·3l· 15 Ami I atm ulzttl t`ttt‘ yttur S htm! 'I
I I * muy kttttw. uml IteItt:vteI tltttt the; I U II tltztt I wats ttttt tIt·et*tt, tu tlte tt't:tttttc tm
‘ ~ ‘ _= I ,I"1tII1t·1`tJI11ttttxttttti I ttt hittt. If* r"0"‘ ‘ ye tttuy Ittzltttveg ttet‘ertltult*>: 135 Jesu
 _   Z39 'i'Itt:ret`ttrtt they sttueltt ttzum ttt I, CII I, 35 tts ett tmttt ItttttI 35 The
tI ' · I I tuke lttttt: Itut he eseupetl ttut ttf I” ` " ' lt} 'I'Itt·tt suttl 'I`httttttt.s. tvitteltotvlte
I II ‘ UICIY Ilitttti, In p;c_q_t;_ tzttlltctl llulyttttts, tmttt ltis tel. 137 Antl
 3 I I 40 Anti went ttwuy xtqatitt l>t:ytttttlI Itltsetples. Let us ulstt gu, thui not this
I I _:_ Jttrtlutt1tt1t>tI_tttpI;u:t:iwItt:t‘eJt>htt_ilte.f1l.1G. mtty the with Itmt. trycs ut`!
I I `II III ut ttrst ltupttzeti; uml there lte At·I7.rtO. 17 'l`Itt·tt when Jesus tzitttttt ttycn th
. . ·i · - uhtttle. IL