’ . . . , .
tocksand Bonds Quctatrona,
following quotations ol ntockr and Bonds il
.lshed to us by B. H. GOUETNRY, Banker
oker,oorner Snort and Upper Streets this
eremxe mn serum,  
 rn Bank of Kentucky. ..... ... 1:31 131}; 1
alBank.Flrst ....... ,.. ....... .. 142 143
:uBank,Seoond ................ 142 ·
»x1£n.n;,§l»ird.... ........   122
 n. nn . xchnngo   ....... 180 190
al Bank, Fayette .. ........ ..., 104' 165  
el Bank, Lexington Oli!. ..... 126
al Bank. Phoenix .............. 1*22 V
sl Bank, Mercer, Hurrodzburg. 117% {ASH]
al Bank, Farmers, Mt. Sterling 118 PHIA
nl Monk, First, Stanford ....... 100 V 107 Passing
nl Bank of Cyntbiann .... . .... 163 ;
*il1e Banking Co ................ 300 305 -———
 1 Kentucky ...........~....... . 188 190
rs mn or Kentucky ,..- .... .. 130 131 EAS
 1 Wood!ord..».....,,., ........ 115
1 Kansas City ..... . .......... . 170 Lve Lex
ton GesCon1pauy............ .. 95 .100 Lve W1
· ary Coal Company .. ....... .-. 55 Lve Mt.
erllng and Garter County Com- Lve Prt
·—-Mary Mine .... . ........... ;. 15 Lve Mo
 ton and Carter: County Mining Arr 011
pany--Music Mine ....... . ..... 40 Lve Oli
mning Company"., . . ....... 15 Lve E
ethto wu, Lexington and Sig l ve Ael
 Y Railroad Stock ...... . ......, 10 Lve ta
round,Perv—·‘·1alblIembersn1p.. 80 Arr B1
round,B0,_ lr. .... ........... 40 LveHu
 ctory. ......... .......... ....... S0 Arr Cl.:
lo Light Company ...... “ ........ 5 Arr Lo
· ay Beal Estate Company ...... 95 Arr Wl
 ne Co.·n¤any...· . ...... .. .... `. 110 ~ Arr C1
gton Savings Association .... . .. 125 Arr Ch
nice B. an L. Aasoclatlon...... 90 Arr B1
tead L. and B. Association .... 95 98 Arr C14
*1ng Compon , .......... . ...... 111* Arr'No
Railway Oépany ............ 50 60 Arr W 
Crook Coal 0 ................. . 10 Arr B 
House Company ..... . .... . .... 50 Arr Ph
ty Trust Company .... .‘. .. .. .‘. . 145 Arr Ne
to Bullding Stock—Rogular .... 121
" " -·—Book form 100 Lve Le
nouns. Lve W
1 Lexington 6's, due May 19Q0.. 10d Eva lg 
r Lexington cw, due May 0.0., uc l"° M
~f Lexington 6’s,due Aug. 19l3.. 11 ‘v" ,'
r Lexi=g·t0¤ am, ooenug. .012.. oe **9 9*
f Lexington 5‘s, due Cot,1917... 98 {V6 L
·t nexlpgton €»‘s, due Aug. 1918. , 99 LV" A'
te Counly 0’r, due Aug 1954* .... 1-0 Ave gg
te County 6’¤, due Aug. 1890 .. 100 L"` H
te (1 unty We, due July 1891... 101 Are ,‘
.te'County 0’s,duo July 1892 .... 101 ` A"` (’ 
,2e County 6's, due July 1893... 102 AU K"
le County 0‘s, due July 1896 .... 1(:2 "'I:,°
te County 6’s, due July 1896 .... 103   M
te County 6's, due July 1897.... 103 "`  
Ae County 6's, duo July 1598 .... 104 - X"' és
Railway C0 .................... 90 A" 01
vzllo. Cinotnnatl and lmxlngsoxe . “ N
. Co., lint mortgage 7’s., ..... . 114 A" V;
b notary Bonds ...... .. .. .... .   50   H!
of Lou1sv1lle,,...,`.. .~........ .. 106 110 Arr P}
‘ "€"‘ Arr N
rocery and Produce lliarket. e
_0; fast
tod lor the Press by Messrs. Curry, Howard {$1:,;;
. and Co. 1 · FM,
7 "‘*‘°"‘ arrive
oxin ton Wholesale Market. ,,0,,,, (
d eteacg, tierces ’t%@9}4c, 50 lb tins @ Fas,
. W he ·.
on at 8%@!l%t·· . · 0;,2
ur, markfauatrong and prices rule higher; -;,10,,
··  55 per — .
cerles——Cot1oe strong; weoluote Mocha at 32@ ` J· L
ava at 26@2Sq, Rm, ol yellow, 21@'l4:, S
common to olroloe l9@23o. Sugar strong · A
. tive; Cut loaf 9%@9%. Powdered, 9%@10%o, Q
rlafed 9%@%9c, Cotlee A 9%@9%·1, Extra
.,8%c, Yellow C 7Z{,@8o. ..
asses—Deml•nd good and orlces better; eom· ‘=<
no choice new crop open kettle Molasses 35 to
"l“l"*.€"3..*.°‘ 1 1 l d ··
e, s r e an pr ces s rong; goo to F
1 6@6%o.
ll.  18 market rules strong and demand ~
at l1@1·lc. ___
ls-—Strong; Iron $2 00@2 05; stee1$2 OOQ2 19  
to GD • ‘  
p $1 75@6 75 per box. _ F;]
1-There has been a better demand and prices ·
ow; common to good green tea at 30@75o.
 lny-—’l`ho demand for new Hudnuts is good
~ ote new at S4. _
. Lve [
auquir Institute, 1..
"* ' Arr Ll
_ , , grr
• r Young Ladlcs, 1..1
- D —. Arr
, • rr
.. G. Butler, A. M. P1 mcnpal. M, I
* _, ' Lve 1
best school in Virginia for _tho mental and Arr F:
* —lad1es. . _ :11*1* I
Arr 1.
_ r Arr 1
, Full Corps of Suponor Jjeechers. Arrl
Arr S
` Lexi
 modion wbullding, spacious grounds, and Lve L
.ducational advantages Terms moderate. A,-
lereuce of distinguished patrons all over the '
ad States. .
oiroulars address the Principal, · Lve L
GEO. G; BUTLER, A. M., Al"
=pt1-Dawktt Warrenton, Va.
Lve I
. . Arr
`1 * Ag 
re. C. J . Olrvor,  
· J t1on._
\wone,b1e MOdlSt8, ¤··¤¤