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y  M éq / i Amongst a number of living curiosities =
K   4%   V ' _, ed which have just been sent over for exhibition ¤ ‘ {
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l, { The notorious Barnum, who has once more talren to the ‘ g Ill Euglafld bl Bju`““m> fh two lhhihg ldditfi _,
  _‘ “show" business, has just sent over to Bnglencl by the - . .l.lt01'3·lly ‘rolled 11lbO one. There is bodily C i
(_A  il steamer City of Brussels, wh1cl,i ztrrrved et Liverpool on JF , zu only one Person, with two hoods, two pairs of V il
, to t Tuesday, enumber of human cur1osxt1es,_ which will doubt- l ,,_ ShOu,,,C1_S four wm _ _ d L I , _ _ 1 , i
  L less excite a. great sensation in Loudon during the ensuing V _ ¤ *_ 5: hh, WO P