Office ofthe President
June l4, 20 ll
Members, Board of Trustees:
Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees receive the attached revision of Governing
Regulation, Port U (GR II), consisting of technical corrections, for preliminary
consideration. The proposed revision does not include substantive changes. The revision
consists of technical corrections necessary to bring the GR into consistency with other
University regulations and practices.
Background: The proposed revision to GR II consists of the following:
• Paragraph 3 — In order to bring GR II into consistency with GR XIII, the Business
Procedures Manual is added to the types of University regulations and policies
that the President is authorized by the Board of Trustees to promulgate.
• Section A. 2(b) — The language defining the status of faculty in administrative
positions was updated in Human Resources Policy and Procedure #4.0 in 2009.
The proposed revision to GR II makes the GR language consistent with the HR
policy with respect to faculty eligible to vote and eligible to serve as elected
members of the Board of Trustees.
• Section A.6(g) — In June 2005, the Board of Trustees increased from $100,000 to
$400,000, the threshold amount for gifts to the University that must be accepted
by the Board. However, the language was inadvertently omitted from the GR
during a later revision. The proposed revision adds the gift threshold amount
back into the GR.
A revised copy ofthe relevant section of GR II is attached. Proposed additions are
underlined, proposed deletions are lined through.
Action taken: IZI Approved EI Disapproved EI Other