Governing Regulations
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The governance of the University of Kentucky is vested by law in the Board of Trustees (KRS
164.131). Within the limits set by the State Constitution and the federal and state laws,* the
Board of Trustees is the final authority in all matters affecting the institution and exercises
jurisdiction over the institution’s financial, educational, and other policies and its relation with
the state and federal governments.
These Governing Regulations describe the composition, powers, and duties of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, as defined by Kentucky Revised Statutes, and establish
policies and procedures for the performance of its functions. In these Governing Regulations,
the Board of Trustees delegates certain responsibilities to the President, the University Senate,
the Staff Senate, the Student Government Association, the Graduate Faculty, and the faculties of
educational units in order to provide for the responsible and efficient administration of the
University and the accomplishment of its goals.
As the chief administrative officer of the University, the President is authorized by the Board of
Trustees to promulgate the Administrative Regulations including the Human Resources Policy
and Procedures Administrative Regulatioryand me Business Pgoceduresds/Ianual_ _to_provide_l/ Deleted:,
interpretation and implementation of these Governing Regulations, and of the Minutes of the
Board of Trustees, and to delineate policies within the sphere of delegated responsibility. Chief
administrative officers are authorized to establish unit policies and procedures attendant to their
delegated administrative responsibilities.
At an institution-wide level, the University Senate, as a primary educational policy-forming
agency of the University, establishes the broad academic policies of the University. Within the
limits set by the Board of Trustees and the University Senate, the Graduate Faculty is delegated
jurisdiction over programs leading to graduate degrees and has the responsibility to safeguard,
promote and assist in the development of research in all fields. Within the limits set by the
institution-wide policies of the Board of Trustees, the University Senate, and the Graduate
Faculty, the respective faculties exercise the governance role of policy-making responsibility for
the instructional, research and service programs of their educational units. The University
Senate, the Graduate Faculty, and the faculties of educational units are authorized to issue rules
concerning the policy and procedure-m aking responsibilities that are attendant to their delegated
educational policy-making role.
Where appropriate, the rules and regulations appearing in the Administrative Regulations,
Human Resources Policy and Procedures Administrative Regulations and University Senate
Rules should refer to the source or sources in these Governing Regulations or Minutes of the
Board of Trustees.
x The Council on Postsecondary Education i.n Kentucky (KRS 164.020) has powers and duties that relate to t.he
governance ofthe University of Kentucky.