Governing Regulations
06/ l 7/ 08
Page ll-l 2
(c) The Committee to which a petition is referred shall review the merits of the
petition to address the Board and shall take such action as it deems appropriate.
(d) The list of petitioners requesting to add.ress the Board of Trustees, along with the
disposition of each petition, shall be made available immediately prior to each Board
meeting at the meeting location.
(e) The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall provide a report during the full Board
meeting on the number of petitions to address the Board received, as well as the
disposition of said petitions.
(O Prior to acting on an item or issue, the full Board shall hear approved petitioners
who are present and prepared to address the Board when called to appear.
(g) A record shall be kept indicating the petitioner’s name, the subject matter, and
action taken on each petition to address the Board.
2. Limitations
(a) The Chair of the Board of Trustees may establish reasonable and appropriate
limitations on the number of petitioners who may address the Board at each meeting and
the time permitted for each address.
(b) ln the event of a substantial change to an action item, or the addition of an action item
to the Board agenda, the Chair may, in his or her discretion, accept a petition(s) received
oumide the procedures and timelines established by this Goveming Regulation.
(c) The Chair of a Committee may establish reasonable and appropriate limitations
on the number of petitioners who may address or participate in a committee meeting and
the time permitted for each address.