·- 127 -
Anshi Sfard S a 0 ue Sisterhood (Continued)
bm 5 S
VS, mem`oe_r;s;hi;@ 155. Qualifications, must be Jewish and interested in Sister·~
[ity hood work. `
Committees: Reds Cross¥a¤d‘Defense,` Mrs. M. Sn der 501 Shawnee Drive; Enter-
Y •
tainment, 1\:k·s. Wm. Sexter, 1918 Avery Court.
· · Vpulpogzi To advance the work of the congregation.
  Norr&a_l_Ci_viepA_ct_iXiiLies: Red Cross Assistance.
1rr "
Lb Defense_Act_iv_i.t_ie_s: Engaged   Red Cross Assistance, Entertainment.
Intere_st_epl   Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Preparation and
sé?-v-ing or Food, shim care.
Loca_1__Puhli>c_at_ioiisi_ None. I _
, B*NA1 TNRITH AUXILIARY (Louisville Conference of Jewish lNOIl'l€1'l'S Organizations),
Y. M. H. A, —Pounded 1958. President, Mrs. Jake Seligman, 552 East Market '
Street. JA 8622. Secretary, 1.·Irs.‘ ljilton Pearlman, 2045 Douglass"Boi1El;ovax‘d.
HI 1292-J'. Terms ex iredune, 1945. ’
_ P 1 .
-   `]_55., Qualifications, any merioor interested in the work.
W   Red Cross, Mrs. Louis Rosenberg, 2125 Village Drive.
Purpose: Aid and assist the men’s lodge. _
  Red Cross Assistance.
  Qgi;e1nse,_;’A;c_t_iv@_i_e*s;     Red Cross Assistance, Child Care, _Ldt_e_r>e_st~e_d `
E Preparation and Serving of Food, Collection of Scrap Metal and Other Metals.
Also selling War Bonds and Stamps.
  "Briefs" (issued in conjunction with the l.Ecn’s Lodge). A
B.'RITII SE·1OLO1zISISTER_PIOOD, 755 South Second Street. Founded 1910. President, A
WS. Morris Koch, 1650 Eastern Parlovay. HI 5547. Term expiresllelay, 1945.
Recording Secretary, lirs. Gordon Fleischalcor, 2128 Speed Avenue. HI 7005.
‘ Term ex` ires Mar 1944. Cor. Sec. Inns. Sidne Frentz. HI OO55. Term expires 1945.
P 5 .• Y L
11'IQSJ _ _ .
  155. Qualifications, all interested in Sisterhood work.
p_§}f"gtjQe_e_s_E· Defense, Mrs. James Resenbaum,‘Dartmouth Apartments;Sewing, Hrs.
Pg. Hirshberg, 5609 Hycliffe Avenue; Kitchen, Mrs. Harry Goldwater, 1919 Avery
· ourt,
ent, V 5
[, §iQ>g€Lc; Congregational work and pro1·:1otingg Sisterhood wor};.
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