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Third District Dcmocratic Womon’s Club(Continued) [ SC
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‘ Purpose: To promote the principols of the Democratic Party. TC
Normal Civic Activities: Assistins the cancer control orovram. Lk
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Defense Lctivities: Intercstcd in Rod Cross Assistance.
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Local Publications: Nonc. Q gt
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TRl;NCLE CLUB, l5BG Lcxingtcn Road. Prcsidcnt, Alfrod Facscnmcior,lbCG Lcx· ’ _
ington Road. JA 5965. Socretary, Andy Burch, c/o Old Grand Dad Distillcry, L if
7th & Bcrnhoim Lane. MA 6800. Terms expiro March, l9@B. o S}
Fbnkcrship: 700. Qualifications, must bo employod by National Distillery if
for at loast cnc year. 2, P?
Committccsz Gcnoral Executive, Frank Bizzcll; Lunch Room, Mrs. Joseph Parr; = EE
Social liss Idoll Thomas- Athletic Doll Bland Sick Leo Jovcc. _ IK
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Purpose: To provide recreational and social facilities; sick and death bone- — il
fits to cmployccs of Iational Distillcrics. ‘
Normal Civic Activities: Cooporatos with thc Red Cross and Community Chest C
in thcir annual membership drive.
Dcfensc Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistancc, Preparation and Scrv·
ing of Food, Entortainnont, Recreation, Typing and Other Clerical Assistaac0·
Training for First Aid. ‘
®cccl Publications: Mono,
TRlnNGLE CLN3, OLD SUUNYDFOOK PLATT, Z7l8 Tkst Broadway. Founded 1058. _
President, Alfrod IL Faescmncicr,Lcxington Road and Paync`Street. JA 5963.
Sccrctary, Virginia Bradbury, 27l8 Wcst Broadway. SH 766i. Tcrms oxpiro,
March, lOl3.
Membership: Q5. Open to porsons mnployod by National Distillory for not ·
loss'than BO days. {
Comnittcos: None reported.
Purpose: Promotion of athletic and recreational events, social functions
and employee benevolent .ctivitics. H
_ hcrnal Civic Lctiviticc: Tone rcportcd.
Dcfencc Activities: Trrininj for Rod Crrss nssistancc. lntcrestod in Ent-
urtainmcnt. '
Loc l Public-ti*ns: None. t