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Red Cross Assistance(Continued) `
Swiss American Home Association, Inc., Ladies Auxiliary of C—lS9; Theod-
ore Roosevelt School, P.T.A. C-l76; Third District Democratic Uemen’s
Club C-l89; of Kentucky Federation of Ebmen's Clubs A-45;_Trianglo Club
A-IQO; Triangle Club, Old Sunnybrook Plant B-l90; United Daughters of
Confederacy, Albert Sidney Johnson Chpator A-23} United Spanish War Vet-
erans, Colonel Morris Bn Belknap Auxiliary A-8; B-S; General Young Aux-
iliary A-9, B-9; Louisville Auxiliay`#5 A-9; university of Louisville
Tomen’s Club A-l9l; Ursuline Academy, P.T.A. C-l48; Valley School, P.T.A.
C-l77; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies Auxiliary, Churchill Downs Unit
g%292l A-l4; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies Auxiliary, Falls City Unit
p#lSE4 A-15; Kentucky Unit #1084 C-l5; Robert EQ Newman Unit #5656 B-l5;
Shawnee this #5204 A-l6; Volunteers of America, Inc. C-95; Wesley Comm-
unity House A-96} Western Junior_High,School,P.T.A. C-177; Willis Stew-
art Chapter #545, Order of Eastern Star A-l2l; Women’s Christian Temper-
ance Union, Jefferson and Bullitt Counties A-96g`Wcman's Club ef Louis- i
ville A-45; Woman's Club of Middletown A-46; Wnmen's League for Hapoel
Hamizrachi A-l5l; Worthington School, P.T.A. C-178; Yeung Mens Christian
Association A-GO; Young Mens Hebrew Association C-Gl; Younger Homen's
American Legion Auxiliary, Jefferson Unit C-5; American Legion, Shawnee
Post #193 C-4; Baptist Fellowship Center A—55; Business and frofessicnal
Women’s Club A-55; Central Labor Union of the American Federation of Labor
C-27; Delphian Society, Kappa Chapter C-52; Delphian Society, Zeta Chapter
C-49; Exchange Club of Louisville C-57; Grand Consistory of Kentucky,
A & A S R C-105; Kentucky Conference of Social Welfare C—S5; Kentucky
Society for Crippled Children A—86; Kentucky State Federation of Labor
C—E9; Kentucky Tax Research Association C—l82; Louisville College Club `
C-59; Louisville Congress, P.T.A.(Colored) C-149; Louisville Convention
_ and Publicity League C-Sl; Louisville Credit Nen's Association C-Sl l
Louisville Real Estate Board C—52; Louisville Urban League A-S9; Park- ‘
land School, P.T.A. A-175; Phi Beta Kappa Alumni. Louisville Chapter C-l56; I
Plymouth_Settloment House C-92; Sorosis Club of Louisville C-52. i
. · |
American Legion, Jefferson Post-#515 C-S; American Legion of Kentucky L
C-l; Shawnee Post {ISS C-4; Boy Scouts of America, Louisville Area,
Council C-l79;Jamcs Russell Lowell School, P.T.A. C—l64; Louisville
Junior Board of Trade C-4C; Louisville Real Estate Board C-52; Louis-
ville Urban League C-89; Volunteers of America, Inc. A-Q5.
. a
Adath Israel Sisterhood A-l25; Adath Jeshurum Sisterhood A-126} Albert 1
7 S. Brandeis School, P.T.A. C-IEC; Agudath Achim Sisterhood C-l26; AlumH8© 1
Association of the Louisville General Hospital Training School C-l3B;
Alumnae Association of Louisville Girls high School C-IS4; Amalgamated l
Clothing Workers of lmorica A-25; f`>1*1u:I"lC&1’l Legion J»\D€j.li9~I'}’, Hi§§h]-@$7-d {
Unit C-S; Jefferson Unit A—5; Shawnee Unit #193 A-5; Victory Unit C-6; Q