mmim- -


Tl Cetojcky


The South's Outstanding College Daily

Friday Evening, Aprjl 21, 1967


Vol. LVIII, No. 140

Investigation Asked
Of Negro Kecraitin
For Basketball Team
Student Cover nment heard a
resolution Thursday calling for an
investigation of the basketball
team's efforts to recruit Negro
The resolution, presented by
Rep. Phil Patton, was tabled and
referred to the Human Rights
Patton called attention to the
addition of Negro basketball
players at Vanderbilt and
and said a four year old
UK policy to recruit Negroes on
the basketball team is still a
"lame duck."
"The basketball team has attempted to recruit Negroes," said

Strike Hits
Catholic U
WASHINGTON - A student

strike and a faculty boycott
closed classes at Washington's
Catholic University of America.
The strike is in protest of the
firing of a professor, because of
his liberal views on birth control.

of the school's 6,600
students and nearly all of the
university's faculty have decided to stay out of the classroom until the university rehires
Rev. Charles E. Curran, a
professor of moral theology.

Father Curran had advocated
liberalization of the Catholic
Church's view of birth control.
Rev. Paul E. McKeever, president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, said "No
reason for his dismissal was given
and no charge was directed
against him or his teaching.
"Such arbitrariness is contrary to the best academic traditions and distinctly threatens
the freedom of scholarly inquiry."
The strike has drawn widespread support from campus
groups as well as national Catholic organizations.



Patton, "but they have attempted
to recruit only the super-sta- r
rather than just the good athlete. On the other hand, they have
not been so selective in signing white athletes."
Patton said later he was being
pressed by certain SG members
who wanted him to prove any discrimination on the part of basketball recruiters. He said that since
there are no Negroes on the team
he felt the burden of proof should
be with the coaches and that
they should explain why they
have yet to sign a Negro.
Supporting Patton's measure,
Don Pratt, a member of the Campus Christian Fellowship, said he
had recently talked to a member
of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC),
who told him that UK has been
"blacklisted" by SNCC for its
failure to recruit Negro athletes.
According to Pratt, Lew
the outstanding Negro
at UCLA, has contacted Jim McDaniels, whom UK
is wooing heavily, and told him
he shouldn't come here.
Patton's resolution asked for
immediate investigation of the
situation and stated that it UK's
basketball recruiting is shown to
be discriminatory, the SG should
publicly censor the Athletic Department.
Attempts arc being made by
both Patton and Pratt to contact
Alcindor regarding the McDaniels incident, they said. They are
also try ing to contact WestleyUn-seland Butch Beard of the University of Louisville, both of
whom were sought by UK, for
questioning about the recruiting
procedures of UK.
Another bill by Patton called
for creation of a SG committee
of students and lawyers or law
professors to study the legality
of towing away cars by the Department of Safety and Security,
and alleged illegal search and
seizure by campus policeon April
15, 1967 of students attending the
Little Kentucky Derby.
Patton requested that the committee be appointed by the newly


so yi

elected SG assembly and asked
that they meet during the summer
of 1967.
He added that should the legality of the actions be found to
be questionable, a test case be
undertaken to determine their
If such a case should be initiated, Patton urged the SG
it through "contributions
from the student body and other
interested persons or with funds
derived from its own budget."
A similar proposal was submitted by Sheryl Snyder, although
Snyder's bill concerned only the
parking problem. He suggested
that a study should be made of
student parking problems saying
the "towing away (of) improperly
parked cars of students is an
obnoxious and possibly illegal
policy." Both the Patton and
Snyder measures passed.
Snyder submitted two additional bills, one calling lor creation of two more Cabinet posts
in Student Government and the
other requesting establishment
of a monthly SG newsletter. Both

The Cabinet proposal would
add a Department of Forums to
be primarily concerned withSG's
Contemporary Issues Forum, an
initiate of the 1966-6assembly,
and a Department of Parking and
Traffic to assume responsibility
"in all matters relating to parking and traffic in and around the
A resolution was passed to
form a committee to investigate
the feasibility of establishing a
branch of a commercial bank on










campus funster this week
took advantage of The
Wall to place President Oswald's grave in a promA

inent place. The fact that
he didn't wait for the president to die amused some,
as did the legend "shot
crossing the wall." Campus police, however, were
not amused and Dempsey's
Vigilantes carried it all


or near campus.
Rep. O.K. Curry, author of

the proposal, said the Federal
Reserve system might be an obstacle, but added that it would
be worth investigation.
Time for the entire state and the
Federal Uniform Time Act (to
provide daylight savings time),
was tabled until the next meeting.

Rills pending action from ttie
last regular SG meeting lie fore
the recent elections, were tabled
until appointment of new committees. Most of these left over
concerned possible reapportion-

ment of Student Government.
Outgoing president Carson
Porter closed the meeting saying
Continued on Page S

Profs Reading Of Letter
' AAUP Says
Kernel Associate Editor
In a letter to The Kernel, University AAUP spokesmen have said
Dr. Neil Eddington acted improperly in publicly reading a private
letter at last week's Bitch-In- .
"When Prof. Neil Eddington
The letter to The Kernel,
Committees "A" and requested guidance from the
signed by
"S", also cites inaccuracies in localhis Committee "A" concernpresentation of grievances
reporting concerning the letter ing
to the President's Committee on
Dr. Eddington read.
Committee "A" is primarily Academic Tenure and Privilege,

concerned with investigating alleged violations of faculty academic freedom while Committee
"S" works similarly with student freedoms.
Referring to the letter Dr.
Eddington read at the Bitch-In- ,
AAUP's letter to The Kernel

the Committee responded with
a personal letter suggesting issues which might be raised.
"This letter was clearly for
this purpose, and this purpose
only. Therefore it was improper
for Professor Eddington to read
publicly excerpts from it to a
Continued On Page


Housemothers Said Favorable
To Hours In Closed A WS Meeting
ANNS heard reports from evaluation committees on experimental hours and sign out procedures in a special meeting Thursday, according
to a Senate source.
Kernel rejiorters left the meeting after being
told they would not be allowed to take notes and
report the proceedings. Some AWS members felt
fear of being quoted in The Kernel would inhibit


OJJ'Campus Vote Light
students chose represenVoting was light Thursday as
Student Association Assembly. Only 23
tatives to the
students are seeking the 20 seats in the assembly and none of the
officer positions are contested.

According to information received after the
meeting, evaluation of the hours experiment included reports from housemothers that were generally agreeable to the extended hours. They did
feel, however, the timing of the experiment was
poor since it came immediately after spring

They also noted with the earlier hours coed
don't seem to mind coming in late.
Housemothers also reported a problem in sign
out procedures. An increasing number of women
simply write "out" rather than their actual destination.
Yesterday's special meeting as a
the whole was to hear and discuss
tions. According to another Senate
was unable to do much discussing
lack of time.

committee of
these evaluasource,


because of a

On Tuesday, AWS will resume discussion on
these issues and vote on jiossible changes.
