, , • ‘ ,_!‘
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  ti “‘  
Agtropyrum occidentalis, analysis of ................................. 225 {Q Q _‘~’
Allen County, analyses of mineral waters from ..................... 226, 227 ,;   ··
Allen, R. M., v, xvi; Bulletin 119 by ................................. 23 it . .
Amoss, H. L. ...................l. . ................................. xvii, 225 Q1   ’
Analyses of butter from churn tests .... . ............... . ........... 226 `E ‘”_ M ] Y
commercial fertilizers ........... . ............... 85, 94, 193, 200   .,
corn grains from different parts of the ear ............. 183-188 ‘¤ `r.· . 3 --
Hungarian clover, trifolium pannonicuni .............. 225 U ‘
Kentucky-grown corn ............... . ................. 177-188   ‘
leached tobacco stems ,............. . ................... 226  
mineral waters .................. . ..................... 226-236 F14f;·:‘
Southern fescue, festuca australis ..................... 225   "
Western wheat—gmss, agropyrum occidentalis .......... 225   °
Antiseptics and artificial color in food .............................. 36 "  
Apple tree measuring worm ............   .......................... 65 ` "`7-`
Austin, Jeff., salt water from ..... . .... ’ ............................. 232 ;  
Averitt, S. D., ......................... f ......................... v, xvii, 225 ` 'i-» ‘j."
Bailey, T., sulphur water from ....... 4 .......... i ................... 230 -}· »· vi
Barker, Judge Henry S. ..................,....................... iv  
Bark louse on oak trees ............................................. i 51   f": "
Barren County, analysis of sulphur Water from ..................... 227 QL, {J?
` Beckham, Gov. J. C. W. ........... . ..............,..,.............. iii, iv, x Ԥ,1f~'}?.7,:.Z
Bell, Judge Williatni C. ..............................,......,....... iv it-|;¥;‘·3,-{
. Board of Controlof the Experiment Station ........................ v   Q'};-,91.*;
r' Board of Trustees of thc State College .......................,..... iv ifi;-.:5f·‘
Bradley, Mrs. Addali, sulphur water from .......................... 234  
Brooks, Basil M. ......................., . ............... . ......... iv g;j;_;;’.».”
Brown June-bugs, injuring forest trees ..................... J ....... 76  
Bulletin 118—Corn, field tests .................,..................... 3 §i¢?};i·;f,
119—Labels on adulterated and imitation foods ............. 23 Yyi;=`LLQ};"T_
120—’l`ree and wood-infesting insects; cabbage snakes ..... 45  
12l—Analyses of commercial fertilizers .................... S5  
122—Corn, method of selecting seed; composition of varieties 157 t:lL$?*;?%‘ ‘·
123—Ana]yses of commercial fertilizers ............. . ...... 193 =.;ff;g»7
Bulletins published in 1905 ......................................... xvi f,·4.;;;‘r·;
Burrier, Mrs. M. D., chalybeate water from ........................ 229 Z§%:$QQ.f;
Butter from churn tests, analyses of ................ · ............... 226 1i,§_gg€;iQ’
Cabbage snakes .........., i ................ . .............. . .......... 7 8-81  
Caldwell County, analysis /of mineral water from ................... 228 ·";;$;i‘§.,£
Carolina poplars, injury by cottonwood leaf-beetle ......,.... . ...... 55 ‘l;§-Y5.';~
Carpenter, Hon. T., .... , ................... . ....................... iv ‘.1f;_·;·».§Y
Cask-beetles .................. . ................. . .................. 68-74 lf,;€?"·;
Casks, insect injury to i' .............................................. G8  _. 
Certificate to accompany sa.mples of fertilizer for analysis .......... 90   @$:3;
Chapman, l-l'. C., sulphur water from ............................... 227  
Chemical study of Kentucky-grown corn ................. . ......... 157, 160 '  
Christian County, anazysis of mineral water from ................... 228  
Clay, l·lon. Cassius lv ., ............................................. iv  
Clement, F. M., analysis of mineral water from .................... 229  
Commercial fertilizers, analyses ot` ........................... 85, 94, 193, 200  
{ directions for sampling ,,.................... 90  
’ form of certificate with samples for analysis, 90  
section of the law providing for free analysis 91 'ffs 
_ values used in calculating relative value .... 92, 108  
f Corn, analyses of ...................... . .......................... . . 177-188 *  
analyses of grains from different parts of the car .........   183-188  (  
depth of planting and method of cultivating .................. 9-11 ·   ‘ :
’ 3* 
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