t ` ‘— , ` •
1» y` .
[ `E , ‘
, ’ t
g ,’ · 244 [mlm;
  I ~ . ~   
I- descriptions of the vnrieties unnlyzod ......................... )60-176
` ,· descriptions of varieties tested ............................... · 14-19 \
_ . field tests of ..,.................. . ........................... ,’ 3 “
· ` for seed, method of preserving .............................. X. 12
· fodder. method of Imndling ..........................,..... ·£.. 11
‘ ‘ , . · germination of vetrious snmples ......................... . /6... 176
· how to test germinzttion ...................,............ V/I .... 157-160
· ·' method of selecting for seed ........................... 4 ...... 157-160
, score cord. for judging ...........................i,.. I ....... 12-14
· test of vztrieties .......,....,........ . ..............   ........ 7, 8
. : yields ohtnined on Stattion form ............................... 5, 7, S
I V Cottonwood le:tf—beetIe on Cnrolino. poplztr .............. ,·{ .......... 55
V Crepidodertt helixines ..................,..... . .......   ............ 61
§ ·. I · Crittenden County, smztlyses of minernl wetters from   ............ 228, 229
{ ` ‘ Curtis, H. E., .........,.............. . ............... * .............. v
F , » ' Curtis, Irl. E., et al., bulletins on commercial fertili%·s by ....... ,. 85, 193
I ·   Dzttnnn. integerrinin on block walnut ...l........... { ................ 54
[ ,~' _ Didluke, Miss LI. L., ........................ . .... J ............... .. v
. { ·_. IJirector's report ..................... . ........... ·C ..l.............. viii
F * — Division of Agriculture .......,....... . ......... /... ...... . ........ viii, xvi
. , , Animetl l-Iuslwnndry .................. / ................... viii
I = .,v Chemistry .........,....... . ..,.... /” ................. viii, ix, xvi
,  _ I Entomology ztnd Botztny .......... 4 ........,............ viii, ix
j 5 ·_ Fertilizer Control \\'ork ..........   ......... . ............ viii, ix
I j ~ Food Control \Vork .............. I ....................... viii, ix
g , _ I-Iortiteulture .................. . ......................... viii
I ( ‘ I<]Im le:tf-beetle, ·I5; life—history of .....................,............ 4%)
_ { I I·lnnomus snbsignztrizt, ..................... ; ......................... 65
I g - _ . Fztir Fortune Teller. unanlysis of butter from ........................ 226
· F ,t_ Fayette County. ztnzxlyses of minorul wnters from .................. 229, 230
 ’ I Festncn atustrulis. ztnztlysis of ....................................... 225
‘ 3 . Ferguson, Ilon. l\`It:I)., ..................... . ....................... iv
’ , v " Field tests of corn ........,......... . ..................,............ 3
` _ Floyd County, unztlysis of minerul \\‘:tter from .... . ................. 230
I , . Food ndulterution und prices ........................................ 35
I I ; Food. ontisepties ond ztrtit’it?i:tI eolor in ............................. . ZI6
} I ` Food Control X\'ork, report of ...... . .,............................. x \ . .
; { Foods. lztbels on ztdulterttted und imitzttion .......................... 23
; I Foratge plrtnts, ztnztlyses of .......................... _ ..... . .......... 225
I , , _ Forest trees. injury Ivy brown June-Iittgs .........,................. 76 )
E 5 Fruzee, I). C., ........................ . ..........,.................. vii `
{ I Frztzee, Dttvid F,. .................. . ............................... iv, V, yii
I § . C}2Ilt*l'Ll(Jt*H£l luteolo ..................... . ............... . ............ 45
{ tilttiwnzttt, If., ........................ . ............................... V, xvi
 ' , tlurtntui. I-I,. Iiulletin 120, Tree ond wood-infecting insects ond -
. . enI¤}»:1;:;e snatkes. by ............... . ....... Z .... . ..,.......... 45
‘ f}t·rmin:tting.$ Iiox t`or testing: seed corn . ............................ . 158
·   Green County, unnlysis of minerttl wztter from ...................... 230
Q _ (`Irotm Miueratl \\':tter, Allen County, ztnttlysis of .....,.............. 227
. 2 Iloger, Ilon. John F,. ....,................ . ........................ iv
I lloncoek, (1. A., minerztl woter from ................................ 235
I é l . II:tunz't. C. K., ztnztlysis of minerul wuter from ...................... 228
, ~ Ilurper. J. N.. v, viii; Ilulletin 116. Corn. Imy ........................ 3·
I Ilztrris. Mrs. Nut., sulphur wuter t`rom .............................. 226
{ ~ lfeitzer, Sum. J., minerul wnter from ............................... 230
I Iferztltl .........   ..... . ................. . ................ . ....... 62
E Ilollund. Mrs. Z\I. IG., sulphur wuter from , .................,......... 226
Q Ilopkins County. ztnulysis of minerztl woter t`ro1n . .................. 231
5 » Hopkins, Ilon. Fruuk A., ............... . ............... . ............ iv
I Ilttdtllestou. John S., cliztlylnutte wuter hrougltt by ............... .. 235
I lIlIII§`2Il’lilII elover. nnulysis of ....................................... 225
I ` Insects infestine; trees und wood .................................... -15
I Inseet injury to cusks .,.....................................,....... 68
» t ~ Inseet injury to ook trees ........................................... 5].
‘ .Iet`f··rson tfouuty. uuztlysis of wuter from ........................... 231
i _ Jenkins. S. M,. ztnztlysis of tclt:tIyl>··s<·t·us on ook trees ............................... .. .... 57
‘, I.;tIi:teI1, .I. tt,. ................. v.,.. ................................. v, xvi .
I I,;tI¤eIs on :1duIter:tted uutl imitzttion foods .......................... 23 ` r
» Ituelmosteruzn I1irti<·uI:1. iujttriuq forest trees ......,.......,......... 76
{ Letter of trttnsmittztl ............ . ........ . ......................... iii ._
 I .