. ia. ~ ; _ 
_ Index y . 245 i ..
Lina lapponica ........................   .‘ ......................... 59 S
\ Lina scripta, on Carolina poplars ................ [ .................. 55 i
`* Lincoln County, analysis of salt water from ........................ 232 f
Lithocolletis hamadryadella, ..................... . ........... . ...... 51 . ;,
Liston, Miss L., ..................... . ..... · ......................... V it V
i\1cChord, Judge John, ........................ . .................... iv , i, ,»
McQuary, D. E., mineral water from .......................,........ 232 ‘ if .. ·
Melalopha inelusa ............,........... . .......................,. 56 gi `
Meteorological Summaries for 1905 ................. . ............... 237-242   ._
Method of selecting seed corn ...................................... 157-160 ‘ . { __
Mineral waters, analyses of ......................................... 226-236 _ _
Monarthrum faseiatum and mali, injuring casks ................... 68 W . .
Monilia candida ........................ . ............... , ........... 72 < i . .. H,
Nelson, Hon. Robert VV., ..................................... , ...... iv   -
Nichols, Charles B., ............. · ........ . .......................... iv, v Ei  
Number of brands of fertilizer on sale in 1905 ....................... 85, 193 iv.,   i`
Number of fertilizer samples collected and analyzed ................ S5, 193 til"  
Nutter, J. \\’., ......,....,... . ........   ........................... v yl    
Oak trees, an insect injury to ........... , ........................... ` 51 · ;i  
Officers of the Station ...................` . .... . .................. .. V   ..
Oona B., analysis of butter from ................ . ................... 226   ;,·
Patterson, President Jas. K., ............ ; .......................... iv, V j g-V1 ·  
Pemphigus yagabundus ...................   ..... . .................... 56 Q ,   "
Perkins, S. fl., sulphur waters from ..... L .......................... 233, 234 g _
Peter, A. A1., ..................,........... t ...................... V, xvii, 225    
Pliytoptoeecitlium of willows .............. . .... . .................... 64 {fg- V
Poplar leaf-tyer ........................ ..3 .......................... 56 i§‘é·~·"fi‘§'
Prowse, tj. (J., mineral water from ....... i ......................... . 231  
l’teronus ventralis ........................ i ........... . .............. 63   if`  
Pulaski County, analysis of mineral water tfroni .................... 232 ,,’L;
Rainfall recorded in 1905 .................. i ........... 2 .............. 239 (  
Ramsey, llon. V\’illiam R., ................ , ................,........ iv W;-_sZ_
Redforil, C. M., sulphur. water from ................................. 233 ‘   ya
Report of the Auditing Committee ........ g .......................... Vi ‘E_‘j'Qi‘{,
Report of work under the food law, ....... V .......................... x "j§`Q“jTC,§`
Seherfllus, _\’\'. H., ........................ , ...................... V, viii, xvii - ,  
· Sehertlius, \V. H., bulletin on corn by .... , .......................... 157 €¥i;:1,:g-;».
Schertlius, \\’. H., et al.. bulletins on commercial fertilizers by ..... S5, 193 giilafzgirgsii.
Seoliopterix libatrix ....................... Q. ........................ 62  
» Seovell, M. A., ................. · ..... ' ..... 7 ........................ iii, V, xvi -_ {-j2§§jg;
Seovell. M. A., et al., bulletins on eominereial fertilizers ............ S5, 193 %f§A·é`1}’?*.gr'.
Seventeen year loeust .,................... . ........................ 74 jj'}-¥;—`e,,‘
Shedtl, O. M., .......,................ .., ........... , .......... - ....... V  
Shetld, t). M., et. al., bulletins on commercial fertilizers by ......... S5, 193  
Smith, Iiewis lr’,. sulphur water from .............................. 235  
Smith, R. F., analysis o1' mineral water from .............,......... 228 ?··j§§?;?;3
Southern feseue. analysis of .............................. , ......... 225 .  
Spurloek. J. I.., mineral water from ................................ 230  
Station l—§oard of Control ...,..........., _ ........................... V  ·-
Station Staff ........................... . ........................... V, viii   _,,’
Stout, Judge Robert li., .......,.........   ....................... IV  
Street, Geo. P., analysis of mineral water} from . .... , ..... . .........    
Taylor, l-I. \V., ........................ .; ..........,................ V,\'ll1  
'Femperature record in 1005 ....... , ..... L ................. . ......   238 y·if?’;L¢§
'l`o|>aeeo stems. leaehetl, analysis of .... i ............................ 2126  