- T  
· ~ e O0rn——FieZd Tests. 13 | 1 l
4 Market condition ......................... i .... 5 .—  
5 Tips of ears. . .................... ,; ............ 10 'I
6 Butts of ears ................... 4 .... V .......... 5 y ii 
7 Uniformity of kernels, .......................... 5 ·
8 Shape of kernels ............................... 5 »  
‘ 9 Space .. ....... L ...... . ..... . ................. 10 ia 
10 Length ......... . ............................ 10 I . ; l_ 
11 Circumference ‘ ........... . ......... . ......... 5 * P "
12 Per cent. of corn .................... . .......... 20 -. {  
. · 100 Z " 
Uniformity. (See plate IIIL) p. '_ 
Uniforniity of ears in a variety is the best indication that   ‘ 
that variety has been carefully selected for a number of genera-  
tions. . 1 . , {
` Shape of Ears. (See plate IV.) _ ` ‘ {
The nearer the shape of an ear approaches that of a y
cylinder the greater will be the percentage of corn to cob. This _ i
cylindrical shape will permit the ear to carry straight, parallel I
rows of kernels from butt to tip. v `  
· i
, Color of Ears. (See plate V.) . ~ 1
Those varieties of corn that have received the greatest care ` E
in their selection and improvement are uniform in color, and the i
white varieties have a white cob and the yellow and red varieties _` 
y ha.ve a red cob. No corn should be used for seed that shows the  
ellect of cross pollenization. The effect of pollen is shown the i
first year. , ` . {
Market Condition. (See plate IX.) `  
By market conditions is meant the soundness of the car and y
the conditions of the kernels. The ears should be free from
` decay or fungous disease; and the kernels should not be shrivel-
ed or ehaiiy, but show full maturity.