y T Kentucky Agricultural Ecvperiment Station · ix  
necessary in order to keep our men with us. There is new a  
great demand for 1nen of abilitiy by the various Experiment Sta- ·‘
· tions. i · i » 7 _.
i Theiwork of the several divisions during the year may be sum- ‘·'
marized as follows: [ _ » y _,
Chemical Division. The Chemical Division has made 230 com-  
plete analyses, mostly of soils and waters. Also a large number of ~
samples of minerals. rocks and other materials have been examined `  
and reported. . A V , 7
Fertiiizcr Division. During the year 574 samples of fertilizer ‘  
were analyzed in this division. The number. of brands registered ‘  
was 358, representing ei-0 firms. There were printed during the ‘ 
year 745,968 tags, which were sent tothe various iirms doing busi- i  
ness in the State. _ A ' A l  
_ Division of Entomoiogy and Botany. Experiments with nodule l
_ bacteria have been continued. Work in the vivarium on seed in- ‘ {
sects has also been continued and a large amount of interesting » Q
material is being gathered on their life histories and methods of {
destroying them. The Divisionof Entomology and liiotany-is en-
gaged upon the following subjects: Nursery inspection; seed in- _ l
speetion;I the microscopic exainination of foods for the Food Di- 1
vision; a study of seed insects and remedies therefor: nodule bac- T I
teria experiments; forage tests and studies; rotation experiments; {
* a study of clover diseases; a study of the weeds of Kentucky; a y
· study of methods of handling bees and rearing queens; experi- · 
· ments withlartiiicial shades; a study of the distribution and life I
i history of the Hessian fly in Kentucky; and a. study of the pests  
' i ofyoung trees. V 4 · ` t ‘ ‘ V 
L Ender the seed law, 297 samples of seeds im-et been examined.  
l ‘ Of this number, 13 were found to be adulterated.
* Under the Nursery Inspection law. the nurseries of the State
- have been iiismzgteyl during the year. y
l V Food Diisision. iEight hundred and twelve samples of food have
.\ been analyzed. Number on hand not analyzed, 86. Number of
; i unoliicial samples analyzed, BL Total number of samples re- y
[ i eeived, 929. l I
[; { Five hundred and seventy samples were taken from the market E