290 Index ,
Falls of the Ohio—(Contim¢ed): Football, see Athletics `
military base ar, 6, Mrs. Frances F<>fd· Arthur   Ssvmth grill {kg
Trollope describes, 6; village be- Salaufid Pmsl cnt Of U· ° .··. 4 · g
Comes a boom town, 7; Louisville establishes first central admmistra- i
located at, 8 tive office, 142; 143-44; proposes l
Farnsworth, Rev. B. F., first presi- igg°‘iv駀§;_fgp% Hg£6§46i9¥{5`g§i {
dent of Collegiate Institute, 13 Forcé E `D ’851€ * ’ E
ii2{i‘$ZZ”°§il"thIE‘siZl,§Sl of rredrane F¤¤¤¤, Hugh, 2 Gaillard,, E. S., as
· Feud between Medical Department Gallatin, _A_]beyt Eugene, 7
faculty and board of trustees, 65 Galt House, 110
Field, Emmet, 107 Galt, Wm. C., 23
Field, Wm, H_, 2 Gardiner, C. R., 186; Nole 23, p. 207
Fink, Albert, 194 Gardiner Hall, see Buildings
First Principles of Chemistry for Ga"Vm· Wm·· 3» 25
Use of Colleges and Schools, 45 General Educatmn .BO*“'d> We
Flexner, Bernard, endowment for GR°ck€f€H€r Foundation.
_ School Of Law, 244 eneral ·(U. of L.) Library, see
Flexner report on medical education, G-Llbraglcs W
on U. of L. Medical Dept., 87-88; 1gs’h in f Dm‘t·Jl[‘* Cgngngfnts On
on Academic Dept., 127-28; raises Gif; ig 8 Ofelils ry’ E zi it
admission requirements, 143; 144, CO t -b   " gggfgl Owmm S’
156; dilemma from tuition fee and G t¤RUI? 1325* an I S
enrollment in Medical Dept., 168 Gi;’€r‘   E 16
Flexner, Dr. Simon, 251, 263 Golglsnjilth 1151, Alban 23
Flinn DL Austim Ira 44 Goodman ,Dr .]ohn 64 84-85
F1i¤tl Dr- A¤Sti¤. Sr-. 44 " Gerrschelir, Louis 1i., 195-96
Flmt. D1'- Joshua B¤¤”k€Y. 41, 49, 83 Graduation requirements, see under
Flood (1937), 8, 250-51 respective schools