Index 295
McClain, Joseph A., Jr., becomes Oppenheimer, John Julius, appointed
dean of School of Law (1933), and dean of the College of Liberal .
resigns (1936), 242 Arts, 216-17
McCormack, Dr. Arthur T., 148-49 Orchestra organized (1919), 183
McCormack, Dr. Joseph Nathaniel, Organization of the University of
148-49 _ Louisville, 200-2; 209
McDowell, Dr. Ephraim, 23 O’Rourke, Dr. John T., 171, 235, 237
Mcllvame, B. R., 3, 25 Ouchterlony, Dr. John A., 85
_ McMahon, Charles Omar, 132
,1 McMeek1n, Sam, captain of track
~ team, 135
— M’Murtrie, H., 4; comments on cul- P?illTl€!`» DY- E- R-i 72
tural Louisville, 5; on Jefferson Panic. (1837). 8
p seminary, 11 Parcell, L. Evans, Larson model, 247
McMurtry, Dr; Lgyvig Samuel, 85 Parochial Schools, scholarships, see
McVey, Frank LeRond, presents plan Public and Pamchléll $ch¤<>ls
for U. of L. organization, adopted Pa1`T1$h Hall, we B_ulldl¤§$
_ (1928), 200-], 209, 263-64 Parvln, Dr. Tl1eoph1lus, 44, 86
j Patents and Copyrights, 239 _
Patterson, John L., 123-24; appointed
dean, 126; 128, 132-34, 136, 138-39,
National Association of Dental 141. 156; chancellor, 175; 184, 188i .
Faculties; Dental Dept, Hospital chancellor emeritus, and connection
College of Medicine, joins, 152; 154 with graduate work. 202-3: 209.
National Association of Schools of 224, 227, 229; dcath cf (1937), 229
Music: admits School of Music to Patterson, Mrs. John L., 136
full membership (1938), 226-27 Pauper schools, 10 _ _
National Youth Administration, 251 Peabody, DY- F1'9·¤€15, m€m01'l9·l toi
Natural sciences, see College of 151
Liberal Arts: Curriculum Pendergrast, Garrett E., 2 _
. Negro citizens urge U. of L, to take Pennsylvania College Achievement
action on bond issue promise T€Sli 217
1 (1925), 212 Pcrmy, Wm. 3, 45
Newton Wm. H., 14 Perrow, E. C., 129
New York Board of Regents ap- Phirlius, by Rollo Wagne, 135
: proves Selieel Of Law, 241-42 Physical Education, epartment of,
; Nicholas, Samuel S., elected first _—Y€€ Athl€l1€5 _
president of U. of L., 16; 106 Pirtle, Henry, 16. 25, 98-100; r¤s¤e¤S
  Nicknames for medical professors, 72 lF¤$'€€€5h1P to become OUC of first
1 Night classes: enrollment of, 203-4; P1'Qf€S$0T$ 111 Law D€Pt·i 99*1009
i (1929-30) enrollment, 227; see also _Y€l11'€$» 100} 110
Division of Adult Education Pirtle, James Speed, 100, 107
Non-credit courses, 227-28 Pirtl_e, Win. B._, 100
Normal School, see Louisville Nor- Placing medical professors on
mal School salaries, 63
-1 Norris property purchased for u11i- Players, see U. of L. Players
il versity campus, 146; property sold, Playhouse, The, 178, 179-80, 246
gi 185-86 Porégirs, The, home of James Speed,
Ti _1
l Powell, Lewellyrl, 23, 37
` Practice, or moot court, 246
Q Oh, Dr. K. S., 264 Practice-teaching, 222
= Oldest municipal university in Ameri- Prentice, George, 27
ca, 1 Presidents of the U. of L., 40
.., _ui·,·-· .- i. .. _ ..-   .. . . .. . , I ,,, . . .1 . _1 MQ