296 Index p
Presltige gfnnegloby positio11s on medi- Resurrectionist, see grave robbing .
ca acu ty, _ Retirement annuities, U. of L., 248-49
Propolsal to63endow med1cal profes- “Re3»olution of 1929-27” over Colvin pl
sors 1pS, ` ` t t` , 19
Proposal to move Transylvania Rguigliisi Dlriogudley S., 85
§\g€C1iCZ1l School to Louisville, 27- gina, 1g]ifg§aldw€lé6g[gga¤, 266 `
_ _ 1ce, a e oung,
Proposgl t§>4Fra1se $1,500,000 for um- gicliardsgn, Dr.   Hall,  31-33 '
versi y, ` , l, ~
Proprietary dental schools: 154; see Rihénglzb, iijeingihlegghe J
GLY0 School of Dentistry _ Roberts, Elizabeth Madox, 264-65
Pub1ic_taffa%r% co;1fel;;n?;8 with Um- Rocgefeller BFo1éndati)on, kGeneral
versiy 0 en uc , E t` ; 11 ; c -
Piéblic education hin 1Louisville, see tl-itglfggggtool?-Ouisvillcizl?/5p;;jCi(€);]
ree common sc oo s C ’ 21 - ;
` Polélig Igizoltlyf Slilgool of. sec School rgiikgg rugghrgeiigiéi,3 215; aida  
0 u 1C ea ` lt t., 3
· Public and Parochial Schools. frcc Roeigreiiii irrsnigtc or Medical Re-
tuition scholarships for, 137-38 Seal-ch, 251 '
Public relations of tl1e U. of L., 248 Rogers, Dr. Coleman, 23, 100
Public Works Administration: makes Rogers, James A., 2
loan and grant to School of Med1— Rogers, Dr. Lewis, 83 .
Clllc (1934). 22960; 0¤tl'lgh'f grant Rosenwald Fund, contribution to
for gil}; H3$§lt¤;4§¤4l31€X24g31‘32$ Iglouisvillezllls/[unicipal College for
gI‘21Y1 I'€ USC y, - Q @g1·O€g’ ,
ll, Rowan, john, 3; first president ,
  géniégsviglge 9g/Iéeéiical Institute, 25;
  Radical Methodist Episcopal Churchi Rudd, james, 2  
"; mass meeting in interest of estab- Russel], Andrew _]’_, 240 ,
"* lishing a medical school in U. of · I
· L., 33; 46; resolution adopted, .
meeting at, 93; 252 ` J
Rafinesque, Constantine S., 5 Sackett, Mrs. (F. M., _]`r.) Olive
Randall, Dr. Wm. M., 169_ _ Speed, 188-89
Recreational Council, Louisville, 219 Sackett, Frederic Mosley, ]r., 266
Recreational leadership and group St. ]oseph’s College, Bardstown, 101
l£r311?11ng,21?V 11 5 SS. Mary 7and Elizabeth Hospital,
" e — ee " o ersai es, inte e, 8
Redd, james E., 2 Satterliiiliite, Dr., 64, 67
. Reed, A. Z., on proprietary law
Reform school, see Louisville and As Dental Department, Hospital
Jefferson County Children’s Home College of Medicine, 149-53; as .
Rzssegnrcli fund School of Medicine, L5oug%villed Collegei of Dengggl,
1 3- ; t t` — 1
Research: in dentistry, 168-70; indus- 1917), sein aCt1i?riI6f11uhin belaw;
trial research division in Speed failure to rate at beginning of
School, 239; medical research fund, World War, opposition to pro-
235; see also College of Liberal prietary schools, 155; acquired by
Arts; Graduate School of Arts and U. of L., 155; Dean Grant, 155;
Sciences; Graduate School Dr. Tileston becomes dean, 155-56;
Research office established, 217 dental research of American Dental >
· 5