4                              INDEX.

Challenger of Votes ....................................................     42
Challenger, Appointment of       ...........................................  35
Citizenshaip of Voter-how determined      .      ................... 43-44-45
City in Two Counties ...........................                              9
Clerk Court of Appeals-Election, time ...............       .................  86
     vacancy in office-how filled      ................. ...................  91
Clerk, Circuit-time of election     ................... .....................  87
Clerk, County-time of election ............      .............................   6
     vacancy in office-how filled     ................. ....................  95
Commissioner of A. L. and S.-election-time ............        ..............  85
     vacancy-how   filled  .............................................   91
Congressional Election-time of       .................. ....................  84a
Constable-time of election ............................................      95
Contested Election-how to proceed with State offlce, Governor and L. G.      75
     other State officers .    .............................................  'r9
     members of General Assembly .........       .........................  100
Constitutional Amendments-how    voted .......      .......................28
Construction-how-law construed ..........           .......................... 152
Coroner-time of election ...................     ...........................  88
     vacancy in office-how filled ..........      ...........................  95
Counting Vote ........................................................       20
Device .    .......................................................    14
Disabled Persons-Voting .................        ............................  40
Election Commissioners, State Board .........        .........................  69
Election Commissioner, County Board ........           ........................  70
Election-Meaning of the Word ............        ............................  1
Electioneering near Polls .................     ............................ 130
Employes-time to vote ................................................ 135
Expenses of Election-how paid ..................................... 101-102
False Swearing, Subornation of ..................................... 150-151
Felony-disfranchises    ............    .....................................  3
Fiscal Court-time of electing members ..        ...............        88
     vacancy in membership-how filled .95
Governor-time of election .85
     contest, election of .75
     vacancy in office-how filled .94
Grand Jury-Charge to .152
Hours of Election .34
Idiots-Disfranchised.                                                         3
Illiterate persons-manner of vot Lg .40
Insane Persons-Disfranchised.                                                 3
Interfering with Election-penalty .149
jailer-ttime of election .88
     vacancy in office-how filled .95
Judge, Circuit-time of election .87
     v cancy in office-how filled .91
Judge, County-time of election .88
     vacancy Lu office-how filled ........       ..............................  98