
    President Singletary stated that the University has the
highest dormitory occupancy rate of any institution in the state,
and said he was pleased that Mr. Clay had commended Business
Affairs for its very good operation.

    W.   Voluntary Contributions to Fidelity Group of Funds,
Twentieth Century Investors, and Value Line Securities, Inc.
Pension Funds by University Employees (FCR 6)

    The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that
the Board authorize voluntary contributions to Fidelity Group of
Funds, Twentieth Century Investors, and Value Line Securities,
Inc. pension funds by University employees as recommended in FCR
6. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

    X.   Meeting Adjourned

    Mr. Sturgill again indicated his pleasure in holding the
board meeting on the campus of the Paducah Community College, and
said he would hope that one meeting each year could be held off

    Mr. McBrayer suggested that the next time a meeting is held
on one of the Community College campuses a report be given on
that particular college.

    Mr. Black expressed appreciation on behalf of the people of
Paducah to President Singletary and members of the Board for
making the decision to meet in Paducah. He added that this is
something the people of Paducah have wanted for a long time and
that they appreciate the attendance of the Board members.

    Governor Breathitt and Mr. Ramsey also expressed their
appreciation that the Board of Trustees held its meeting in their
part of the state.

    Mr. Clay asked the Finance Committee to remain for a short
information session following the meeting.

    President Singletary remarked that the clear sentiment
expressed concerning the location of the Board meeting
underscores that UK is the state university, and he proposes to
hold one meeting each year away from the Lexington Campus.