Minutes of the Executive CoMidttee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
                   January 15, 1919

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
University of Xentucky, met ir regular session at the
office of the President of tlie Ur.iversity, January 15,
l9l9,: .gt 11:00 o'clock, a. m. The meeting' was called
to order by Lo. Stoll, the Ohairman.  On roll call, the
followirg members were present: Ir. R. 0. Stoll, M1r. R.
P. Ernst, and Er. P. P. Joirston, Jr.  The President of
the University, Dr. Frank L. T.cVey, -mnd tle Scecretary
of the Committet,-'Wellington Patrice, were also present.
The minutes of the pre'7ious meeting ware read and adopted.

     (1) The report of the Business Agent was then pre-
sented, read, and ordered incorporated in the minutes.
This report was as follows: