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And Help the Association







L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12


W. C. Wilson, '13

Thursday the Kentucky football team closed its season by
bowing to the mi?ch superior eleven from Tennessee byt a score
of 20 to 0, a score which is by no means humiliating when the
strength of the Tennessee team is taken into consideration. The
eleven from our neighboring state, last Thursday, was a team
that could have defeated almost any team in the country. Overshadowed by a teaiA far heavier than all we could muster, the
Wildcats fought one of the best battles of the entire season.
Every graduate, former student and student that saw the game
was pleased with the showing made by our eleven.


Saturday before Thanksgiving followers and supporters of
the Blue and White saw a game that brought joy to our hearts.
Joy, to a great may, for the first time in years of meeting our
traditional foes, the Centre Colonels.
The Wildcats not only
repaid their followers for the seven point defeat of last year but
ran up en.ough points to even up the results of several years
before. Fifty-thre- e
to nothing is a big score but there was no
score that could have been too big for those who have loyally
followed the Wildcats for years.


At the beginning of the season our team was forced to face
several serious handicaps. There was insufficient material out,
there was not enough weight distributed among those who were'
out and then there wasa complete change in the coaching sysAdded to all of this was one of the heaviest schedules
in our history and one of the hardest in the South. Coach Gam-ag- e
with all these obstacles confronting him set to work to mould
a team. From the first game on they displayed improvement.
They were as
They hit harder, tackled surer and ran better.
They had
fit physically as hard training could make them.
They only stopped
absorbed a maximum of spirit and fight
putting all they had into the game when the final whistle blew;



Miss Ava Cawood land Kyle
Whitehead Are Unrted in
Marriage at Asheville,
North Carolina


Walter Hillenmeyer,
Wayland Rhodes, '13

Alumni Assn.




regular winter meetings.
us keep everyone informed as to
the activities of the association.

Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21



Game, Thursday,
November 24, Stoll Field, Lexington, Ky.
Club Secretaries:
Please send
in the dates and places for your

Huge Crowd Present for Annual
Football Game With Tennessee; Tea and Dance

Park, '15



Published By And For University Alumni



Edited by

Taking the results of the games for the whole season our
record does not compare favorably to years gone' by, but the
scores this year are by no means an indication of the ability of
the team or the value 6f the coaching system. In fact the scores
give us credit for a season far more successful than those in
In our humble
touch with the team had, reason to expect.
opinion Kentucky football fans have much to be thankful for
He has inaugurated a system at
in Coach Harry Gamage.
Kentucky, which, if followed in the future, will build up on the
campus a team that will with honor carry the,. Blue and White.
The editor of this column has long been known as one of the
Again this year we are going
outstanding "Next Year Men."
to talk next year but with a feeling of certainty this time.
Often before it has been, to a large degree, from loyalty.
Kentucky football is just now beginning to take its place in
the growth and development of the University of Kentucky along
with the other great and more important improvements.

Homecoming this year is a hard
subject to write a news story about.
This, because it can truthfully be said
that there were two homecomings
this year. One, the formal and prearranged Homecoming Thanksgiving
day and the other on, November 19,
when we met and defeated, so decisively, the Centre Colonels.
There were almost the same number of returning alumni from the University of Kentucky as there were
Centre alumni at the game in Danville.
Graduates and former students of years gone by went to Danville to see Kentucky triumph over
Centre, many of them for the first
time. It was the Centre homecoming.
Thanksgiving, with bad weather
predicted turned out to be an Ideal
football day. Both sides of the stadium werejiacked with supporters of
the Blue and White and the Gold and
White. The crowd, as at every homecoming was colorful. Both universities were represented by a good football team, an ardent and large group
of supporters and two crack bands.
Both trying to outdo the other along
each line. Kentucky won on the last
two but was forced to bow to a suNaturally
perior football team.
enough the Kentucky supporters outnumbered the Tennessee followers.
It goes without saying that our band
was by far the best.
The number of Homecomers ,thi3
year was larger than in any recent
year. Almost every class was represented and they were here from
every part of the world. Main street
in Lexington from the Union station
to 'Limestone street was like one huge
reception. Everyone met everyone
and as usual the hand shaking and
back slapping was continuous. The
people of Knoxville, ever genial and
gracious hosts, were accorded similar
courtesy by the ictizens of Lexington.
Following the game the visiting
alumni and a great many of the visitors from Tennessee were guests at
a reception given by President and
Mrs. McVey. In the evening the usual Homecoming dance was given by
the Lexington Alumni Club. The visiting alumni, visitors from Tennessee,
and both teams were guests of honor
at the dance. A good orchestra was
engaged and approximately 1,500 attended the dance which lasted from
9:30 until 1 o'clock.


One of the recent weddings that
will be an interest to a large number
of alumni was that
o wood, of Asheville, of N. C, Ava Mr.
Dear, Alumni Association:
Charles Kyle Whitehead, of Murray
The Kentucky Kernel made me feel and Harlan, Ky. They were
united in
homesick for Kentuqky. I am enclosmarriage at the First Presbyterian
ing my dues for 1927-2- 8.
The pro- church of Asheville, August 18.
gram of expansion sounds good to are graduates of the UniversityBoth
me and, while out of the state pro- Kentucky and members of the class of
fessionally, my influence, if anv. will 1926.

Charles Rose McCIure, B. S. M. E.
1920, is manager of the New York office of the Bailey Meter Company of
His address is 46 Hawthorne terrace, Leonia, N. Y. He was
married to Miss Elsie E. Roseberry
in 1924. He has been with the Baliey
Meter Company since his graduation.


be used to help make our university
as great in buildings and resources
as it is in intellectual and cultural
(Mrs.) Mary E. Barnhill.
Assistant Dean of1 Women,
Otterbeni College,
Westerville, Ohio



A recent letter froth Hannah S.
Weakley informs us that she and her
sister, Katherine T. Weakley, now
are living in Asheville. N. C. Miss
Hannah Weakley is head of the home
economics department of the new
Biltmore High school at Biltomore.
N. C. For several years she taught
home economics
m the Louisville
schools, going recently to Asheville.
She is a graduate of the class of
1920 while her sister, Katherine, is a
member of the class of 1921. Their
residence address is 43 Revenscroft,
Asheville, N. C.

Paducah High school at Paducah. Kv.
She recently sent us a check forher
dues for this year. After araduation
she returned to her home in Lewis- port, Ky., and taught in the high
school there. She went to Paducah
this year.

Immediately following the
they left for a trip through the
East and returned by way of Lexington where they spent several days
calling on friends and former school
mates. They later left for Murray,
Ky., where they will make their home.
Mrs. Whitehead is the daughter of
Mrs. S. A. Cawood, of Asheville.
While attending the University of
Kentucky she was one of the most
She was a member of
the Kappa Delta sorority and took a
prominent part in student activities.
Mr. Whitehead was a journalism student while at the university and took
an active part in the student publications. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He is the son
of Mr. "and Mrs. H. F. Whitehaed, of
Harlan. He is head of the department of journalism and director of
publicity at the Murray State Normal
and Teachers College, at Murray,
which position he took last year after
teachnig in the journalism department of the University of Kentucky.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead will
be remembered pleasantly by the
members of the class of 1926 and
many others who were in the university with them.


Special Rental Rates to Students

Opp Courthouse


Phone 1792



The Green Lantern



Alumni From--CuAttend Homecoming




"Hot Dogs" Baked in the Bun

Cafeteria! Meal Hours
Lunch .


7'M to 8:15
. 11:45 to 12:45
. 5:30 to



Elsie Elizabeth Coleman, A. B.
1925, is another young alumnae who Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Propps, En
as a candidate for our roll of honor.
Route to Wichita, Kan., to
She has a perfect record in the assoMake Their Home
ciation. She is teaching in the high
school at Stanford, Kentucky. Her
Among the visitors in Lexington
address is 613 East Main street.
for Homecoming were Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas B. Propps, who came to LexCharles R. Perkins,
is ington from Cienfuegos, Cuba. They
metallogiaphist, for the Bethlehem were en route to Wichita, Kan., where
Steel C6mpariy, Lackawana plant, Mr. Propps has an important posiBuffalo,, N. Y. His address is 413 tion with the Kansas Gas and Elec
Bird avenue, Buffalo. He has been tric Company.
Mrs. Propps was
active in the association for seven before her marriage, Miss Carolyn
one was
Bascom, of Mt. Sterling,
graduated from the university with
Owen Miller Akers, B. C. E. 1925, the class of 1927 and was a member
is with the engineering department of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
of the American Creosoting Company Mr. Propps was graduated in 1922
and is located in Rome, N. Y,. where from the College of Engineering. He
he lives, at 516 Madison street. He will be remembered to his many
has a perfect record as an alumnus friends as "Speedy" Propps of base
and is a candidate for our roll of ball fame. He was a member of the
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity.
leaving the university he went with
Charles F. Wood, B. S. M. E. 1924, the Kansas Gas and Electric Com
is an engineer with the Buffalo Coal pany, going to Cuba with the Cuban
Company at Devonia, Tenn. He has Electric Company in 1925. They were
been with this 'company since his married last summer and left imgraduation. He also has a perfect mediately for Cuba. Mrs. Propps in
record as an alumnus since he has not formed us that they just recently re
missed a single year since his
turned to Wichita where they will
make their home in the future.


Open between meals in the morning for Sandwiches,
Milk, Hot Drinks, Candy and Ice Cream



Basement Administration Bldg-



in Welch, W. Va. He is another alumnus who is a candidate for our roll
Anna Voigt Becker, B. S. H. E.
He has been an active 1927, is beginning as an active memTell Me
of honor.
member of the association since 1914. ber of the association the first year
o- o
out of school. She is teaching home
Jesse I. Miller, A. B. 1912, A. M.
Earl B. ebb, A. B. 1910, is one of economics in the high school at An1913, LL. B. 1914, in a recent letter
most interested and active alumni chorage. She also is manager of the
tells us that he still has his offices theLexington.
He is a member of the high school cafeteria.
Her address
in Commercial National Bank building in Washington, D. C, where he board of trustees of the University is 515 hitney avenue, Louisville.
is an attorney and federal tax expert. of Kentucky and one of the most loyal
supporters of our alma mater. His
Sherman II. Stivers, Jr., B. C. E.
He lives at 14 Oxford street, Chevy
643 South Limestone street, 1910, C. E. 1913, is an engineer with
Chase, Md. Mr. Miller is one of the address is
the land appraiser, bureau of valuamost active alumni. He is an enerThe Alumni ffice would asprtdate it if yo would
tion, Interstate Commerce Commisgetic member of the Washington
James Spencer McIIargue, B. S. sion. His address is 805 Mills build- office addresses of any of the graduate listed klitw.
alumni club and is at present its sec1906, M. S. 1914, is chemist for the ing, Washington, D. C. He has been
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment with the Interstate Commerce Com- Orville Robert Willett '16
Joseph Paul LaMaster, B. S. 1913, Station and. lives at 411 Transylvania mission since 1914 and has been an
is head of the dairy division and pro- park. He has been chemist at the active member of the association alHnry Moses Wright, '79
fessor of dairying at the Clemson experiment station since 1914 with most all the time since.
Agricultural College, South Carolina. the exception of a year during which
He has been at Clemson College for he took graduate work at Cornell
Patrick Henry Neblet, A. B. 1909,
the last seven years. He has an al University at Ithaca. N. Y. He has is superintendent of schools at Jack- George Groghan Whaley, '80
been an active member of the Alumni son, Ky.
most perfect record as an alumnus,
He recently sent in his
having been an active member every Association ever since before 1914
check for dues for this year. He has
year since his graduation except one.
been active in the education of Ken- - Burton
Pendergast Eubank, '84
He was married to Miss Edna Mae
Robert Robin Dinwiddie, A. B. 1924 tucky since his graduation. Before
is located in Morehead, Miss., where going to Jackson he was superintend- - j
Earle in 1924.
he is practicing law. He located in ent of schools at Hazard Ky.
Otis Violett Riley, '84
Frances Amaca Thompson, A. B. Cincinnati, Ohio, soon after gradua
1925, in another young alumnae who tion and went to Mississippi last
Paul Francis, B. M. E. 1911, is vice
has a perfect record. She has been year.
president and general manager of the
an active member of the association
Pioneer Jellico Coal Company," at Pi- William David Lambuth, '85
each year since her graduation. She
George, A. B. 1925, is oneer, Tenn. He has been with
Louise B.
is living in Bourbon county and her teaching in the, high school at Hen
since 1921.
Soon after
address is R. 1, Paris, Ky.
dersonville, N. C. She has a perfect graduation he went to Mexico with Thomas Wheatley Shackleford, '87
record as an active alumnae and from the Mexico Coal and Coke Company
James B. Giltner, B. M. E. 1912, is all indications will be on our roll of at Los Esperanges. He returned to
a coal mining superintendent and is honor. She has been in Henderson Kentucky in 1916. He has been re- Jane
Bramblett Cox, '90 (Mrs. J. D. Blythe)
located in Hemphill, . Va., witht(the ville two years, teaching her first cently added to the list of active
Solvay Collieries Company. He lives year in Liberty, Ky.
alumni after being inactive for a
short time.
Margaret Agnes Wilson, '90



From the Mail Box




utta tbla


Kentucky Belts
In Black and Brown




Campus Book Store
Gym Building

Lexington Drug Co.




find check for $3.00 for Alumni Dues for



Address for sending Kernel.





Carl Pittman Lipe, LL. B. 1923, is
president of the Lipe Planting Com
pany oi uiarKstiaie. flliss. We re U. L. Clardy, 91
cently received a check for his dues
for this year. After graduation he
entered the 'cotton producing business John Gee Maxey, '92
in Vance, Miss., only recently iroine
Frank Elmer Scovell
Mrs. Nannette R. Skain, is another
former student who is an active alum
nae, bhe is married and lives at 7 Cora E. Ware, '93
Mentello park, Lexington, Ky.

A man came in the other day.
saw a Drinkless Kaywoodie pipe.
And bought it!
Lighting np
face lit, too!
Oh, joy!
A dry, cool,
sweet smoke at last!
Come in!
Light up a Drinkless Kaywoodie!
Smoke "dry" too!
And you'll hum

George Norton Sharpe,
is James William Hughes, '99
anoiner lormer student who is an interested and active alumnus. He has
been a member of the alumni associa- Joseph Morrow, '99
tion each year for the past eight
years. He is with C. F. Bower and
Company of Lexington and lives at Leslie Hundley, '00
174 East Maxwell street.



Miss Hettie Hawes Knox. A. B. in Thomas
Education 1925, is teaching in the

Over 100 shapes for every purse and
Price $3.50 up.

Lexington Drug Co.

Almon Jones, '00



- hi-

