There are some features in the plan of Kentucky University
is which are peculiar. The general superintendence of the whole
Institution by the Regent, who is not connected with any
Faculty, but who is the representative of the Curators and ‘ I a'
Donors, gives unity to the whole plan; while the distribution
of the executive labor and responsibility among the Presiding E
i Ofiicers of the several Colleges secures efficiency in every de-
partment. The several colleges thus associated furnish the
most liberal provisions for education, whether collegiate or
professional, general or special; and that, too, without the ex-
pense and embarrassments that would result from a duplication  
of professorships. Ifa young man desires to pursue a Classical i
course exclusively, he can do so, and receive a certificate of
G graduation for the same. If he desires to devote himself to
Science or Arts, to receive a good Commercial and Business ,. A
education, to graduate as a Civil Engineer, or to study Mining
or any other specialty, he will enjoy the like facilities without
` additional expense. Should a student desire to reduce the
ordinary expenses of board and tuition,the Agricultural College
presents to him the opportunity for laboring, at a reasonable
compensation, on the College Farm, or in the Mechanical
Shops, while he is receiving thorough instruction in Science A
and Literature. This union of study and labor is thus not
only economical, but also conservative of health and good
The Agricultural and Mechanical College also embraces a
thorough course of instruction in Military Tactics, which is I ;
, made valuable as a means of physical development as well as
of collegiate discipline.
This general plan of the University, with its peculiar features
of government and discipline, with its Associated Colleges _
and their separate Schools, and with its various Elective
, Courses of Study, including Industrial Education, with all its
economic arrangements, makes it emphatically an Institution
for thc Pwjy/0. i