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be completed in the minimum length of time. Inadequate preparation or as-
sistance in departments very frequently makes a longer period necessary.


Two typewritten, unbound copies of the thesis, approved by the thesis
director and the appropriate director of graduate study, and in a form accept-
able to the Graduate School, must be presented to the Graduate School Office
not later than two weeks before the last day on which grades may be reported
to the Registrar’s Oliice. The candidate must also submit an abstract of his
thesis not exceeding two hundred words and suitable for publication. The final
oral examination may not be taken before the thesis has been accepted by the
Graduate School Office. Information about this thesis deadline may be ob—
tained from the Graduate School Ofiice.

Theses and dissertations must be developed under the direction of a mem-
ber of the Graduate Faculty.

Each thesis or dissertation is to be judged by the final committee on its
merits as presented to it at the examination.

Collaborative group effort by two or more graduate students is not forbid-
den; but there must be enough independent effort to enable each one to make
a separate contribution and to prepare an individual thesis or dissertation.

A master’s thesis must bear the signed approval of the thesis director and
the appropriate director of graduate study. If these are the same person, the
thesis must be signed by another professor in the major department.

The University protects the rights of thesis and dissertation authors by plac-
ing certain restrictions upon borrowers’ use of them as long as they are unpub-
lished. Before the title-page of every thesis and dissertation a copy of the
following Rules for the Use of Theses is placed. The student prepares this page
for each copy of his thesis and submits it as part of the thesis.


Unpublished theses submitted for the masters’ and doctors’ degrees and
deposited in the University of Kentucky Library are as a rule open for inspec-
tion, but are to be used only with due regard to the rights of the authors.
Bibliographical references may be noted, but quotations or summaries of parts
may be published only with the permission of the authors, and if granted,
proper credit must be given in subsequent written or published work.

Extensive copying or publication of the thesis in whole or in part requires
also the consent of the Dean of the Graduate School of the University of

A library which borrows this thesis for use by its patrons is expected to
secure the signature of each user.

This thesis has been used by the following persons, whose signatures attest
their acceptance of the above restrictions.

Name and Address Date