structure had been added As a storeroom.  The
flames rose from this part of the house. Against
it wats heaped up a pile of dry wood and other
combustibles, and it was instantly apparent to the
overseer that the fire was the work of an incen-
diary. No time was to be lost, for the flames
were rapidly gathering headway, and in a few
minutes the whole mansion would be on fire.
  The hands began to appear on the spot, and
Levi sent the first one to the stable for pitchforks;
but he did not wait for them, and began to draw
away the combustibles with such sticks as he
could obtain. The boys followed his example,
and the dry wood, blazing against the side of the
storeroom, was soon removed from its dangerous
proximity to the building. The work was effec-
tively completed with the pitchforks as soon as
they came.
  "There are three men running away towards
the swvamp ! " shouted Deck.
  III see them ! " added Artie.
  "Put the fire out first, and we will attend to
then i afterwards !" said Levi. "Keep an eye on
them while you work, and see where they go."
  The burning brands were removed from the