house, but the flames were already communicated
to the building. Mrs. Lyon bad not gone out at
the front door with the girls, but had rushed to
the storeroom, where she was soon joined by her
husband.  All the buckets in the house were
brought into use, including half a dozeii leather
ones that hung in the main hall, and all the
women were carrying water to the exp)osed point.
The fire had not yet come through the side of the
building, and the buckets were passed out the
window to the overseer.
  In a few moments the fire was thoroughly
drowned out, and everybody breathed more freely.
The lieutenant and the recruits had followed the
others, and assisted in putting out the fire. Deck
and Artie turned their attention to the three men
they had seen, and had started in pursuit of them;
but Levi called them back. Then he sent to the
fort for several revolvers, not doubting that the
men who were engaged in this desperate venture
were armed.
  But he did not wait for them, and told Artie to
bring themn to him as soon as the messenger re-
turiied. Gordon and D)eck went with him. The
great river was directly in the rear of the mansion,