SECTION 3. Meetings and Notice.
    3.1 Regular meetings of the Supervisors will be held at least six times per year at times
         which shall be established and publicly announced by the Chairman. An annual meeting

         shall be scheduled each June.
    3.2 Special meetings may be called by the Chairman at any time, and shall be called by
         the Chairman at the request of three (3) members of the Supervisors provided that
         written notice to all the Supervisors be given not less than five (5) days prior to the

         meeting stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
    3.3 Except as otherwise specified within these Bylaws, all meetings of the Supervisors and

         its committees shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, revised.

    SECTION 4. Quorum. A majority of the current membership shall be necessary for a


    SECTION 5. Vacancies. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Council of Supervisors, for

whatever reason, notice shall immediately be provided to the Board of Trustees so that a new

Supervisor may be appointed as soon as possible.

     SECTION 6. Removal. The Supervisors may recommend to the Board of Trustees that a
Supervisor be removed or suspended. This action may be taken at any meeting by a vote of
nine of the Supervisors, provided that the affected Supervisor has been given at least ten (10)

days written notice of such intended action and has been advised of the basis for the action.
The Supervisor affected shall have the right to be heard and explain to the Supervisors why

he or she should not be removed or suspended. Recommendations for suspension or removal
by the Supervisors shall be made directly to the Board of Trustees but shall not be effective

until approved by the Board of Trustees.

     SECTION 7. Liability. All Supervisors and persons serving at the request of the Supervisors

shall, subject to policy limits, exemptions, and qualifications stated in the Liability Policy and

applicable State laws, be considered agents of the University while acting within the scope of

their duties here under.
