(b) To recommend to the Supervisors the appointment or reappointment of an applicant

         to the Medical Staff of the Hospital, the clinical privileges each such applicant shall

         be granted in the Hospital and appropriate action that may be necessary in connection
         with any member of the Medical Staff, to the end that at all times there shall be

         a high level of professional performance of all persons authorized to practice in the
    (c) To represent the Medical Staff of the Hospital and to provide a means whereby issues
         concerning the Medical Staff of the Hospital may be discussed both within the Medical

         Staff organization and with the Supervisors and the Hospital Director.
    (d) To establish specific rules and regulations governing actions of members of the Medical
         Staff, which are adequate and effective for the protection of patients and the
         maintenance of quality of care.
    (e) To institute all appropriate disciplinary or corrective actions, including suspension, that
         may be necessary in connection with any Medical Staff member.

    SECTION 4. Medical Staff Bylaws. The Hospital Clinical Board acting for the Medical Staff

shall recommend to the Supervisors Bylaws, Rules and Regulations setting forth the Medical Staff
organization and governance in such a manner as to accomplish the functions set forth above.

When such Bylaws, Rules and Regulations are adopted by the Supervisors, a delineated in Article I,
Section 2, they shall become effective and become a part of the Regulations of the Hospital

applicable to all members of the Medical Staff.

     SECTION 5. Appointment to the Medical Staff and Assignment of Clinical Privileges. Upon

recommendation of the Hospital Clinical Board acting for the Medical Staff and in accordance

with the Medical Staff Bylaws, the Supervisors may appoint licensed graduates of recognized

medical, dental and osteopathic schools and related health professionals meeting the personal and

professional requirements prescribed in the Medical Staff Bylaws for membership on the Medical

Staff of the Hospital and shall assign clinical privileges to such persons. Appointment to the

Medical Staff shall carry with it full responsibility for the treatment of individual Hospital patients

subject only to such provisions as may be imposed by the Supervisors or the Bylaws, Rules and
Regulations of the Medical Staff. Appointments to the Medical Staff shall be for one year,

renewable each year in accordance with the reappointment procedure set forth in the Medical

Staff Bylaws. Reappointment to the Medical Staff will be made at the annual June meeting of
the Supervisors.
