Members of the Board being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, textbooks for grades one through twelve were adopted,with the under-
standing that only those textbooks for grades seven through twelve would be used
by the University School.

          V. Appointment of Chief of Contract Team in Bogor, Indonesia.

          President Dickey recommended that Dr. Howard Beers be appointed
and designated chief of the contract team in Bogor, Indonesia. He said that
Dr. Beers was available and agreeable to the appointment, and that he would
relieve Dr. Schwan. He further reported that Dr. Beers had been cleared with
the Federal departments concerned and with the contracting parties in Indonesia.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Howard Beers
was appointed chief of contract team in Bogor, Indonesia, for such a period
as he may desire to serve, not to exceed the length of the contract for team
services at Bogor, Indonesia.

          W. Internal Budget for 1962-62 Approved.

          President Dickey submitted Internal Budget for 1962-63, consisting
of two volumes: Volume 1, carrying the budgets for all colleges and other
divisions of the University, and Volume II, carrying the internal budget for
the Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension Division. The
following statement was given to members of the Board of Trustees.

                            INTRODUC TION

          The 1962-63 proposed budget of the University of Kentucky is
being presented to the members of the Board of Trustees for their considera-
tion and approval. This is your personal copy. In compliance with a resolu-
tion of the Board, this budget document is being sent to you prior to the Board
meeting for your consideration. Please study this comprehensive budget
document of the General Fund operations for the ensuing year and bring it with
you to the Board meeting on April 3, 1962.

          Upon approval by the Board of Trustees the budget document will
be recorded as an integral part of the University's financial system. The
necessary fiscal control will be exercised for the collection and appropriation
of income and the expenditure of departmental appropriations in accordance
with the existing fiscal policies and procedures.