How This Budget Was Prepared:

          The Deans of the various colleges and the Directors of other facets
of the University were asked in January of this year to submit to the President
their budget needs for the fiscal year 1962-63 with data to support their re-
quest.  These Administrators, after consulting the department heads and
supervisors of the various units, submitted programs and supporting informa-
tion with total budget request necessary to carry out their existing and en-
visioned programs. This information was studied by the President and his
budget committee.

          The estimated resources of the University for 1962-63 were ascer-
tained and a distribution of available funds was made to the various colleges
and divisions after each Dean or administrative officer conferred with the
President. A definite sum of money for each program was allotted.

          The Dean of each college or Director re-evaluated the program for
each college department and division in the light of the funds available. In
each case a detailed budget was prepared by the head of each department and
each Dean, and submitted to the President for review and final consideration.

          Each budget request was checked by the staff for accuracy and
compliance with instructions distributed. Each Dean or Director individually
met with the President and his budget committee, at which time each program
was again evaluated. After individual conferences in which each budget
received group consideration, final presidential recommendation was indicated.
The University budget was then compiled and prepared in its present form,
consisting of two volumes.

          Therefore, this General Fund Budget is a product of three months
of study, preparation, and recommendations involving more than 225 persons
responsible for the major administrative divisions and departments for
programs of the total University.

          It should be understood that this is a Consolidated General Fund
Budget for the University and the summary of figures following in these com-
ments refers to the five major divisions of the University, through which the
funds are administered; to wit;

              1. Colleges and Administration
              2. Medical Center
              3. Geological Projects  (See Exhibit A)
              4. Agricultural Experiment Station
              5. Agricultural Extension Service