
University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
February 28, 1962


Current Funds:
A. General
      Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
      Reserve for Inventories
      Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
      Other Liabilities
      Appropriation Balances
      Unappropriated Surplus:
        Division of Colleges
        Medical Center
        Agricultural Experiment Station
        University Hospital

             Total General

B. Restricted
      Outstanding Check Liability
      Restricted Fund Balance

                $ 1, 384, 476. 58
                    422, 167.74
                    87, 076.72
                      7, 666. 20
                  7, 447, 551.11

$   294,375.04
     194, 024. 15
     18,723.78      581, 652.52

                                $ 9,930,590.87

                $    15,987.57
                  4,9 26 954.57

Total Restricted

4, 942,942. 14

             Total Current Funds

Loan Funds:
      Principal Balances-
      National Defense Educ. Act, 1958-
        Federal Government
      Accum. Interest Income-NDEA

$ 14, 873,533.01

$   514, 867. 22
     57, 207.46
        374. 27

       Total Nat'l Defense
       Education Act
University Student Loans
Expendable Balances

$   572,448.95
     53, 537. 54

$   625,986.49
     27, 760. 36

Total Loan Funds                                                $   653, 46.85

Endowment Funds-
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances

$   278,038.75

Total Endowment Funds

$   287 613.45