In its history, and in -y opinion, the deep interest taken
by the people in agricultural work, will be shown, this
fall, by the increase in the roster of the University.  it
seems to me that every thing potnts to e great Increase In
the amber of students in the whole University.

                         Very rs-ecs-etfuly subamitted,

                            (signed) . S. barker

                                    August 25, 1915

President Henry S.Barker
State University of keatiucky
Dear 3irz

     In accordance with the order of the Sxecntive ;ommittee,
I herewith submit to you the monthly re-port from the College
of Mechanical and Electrkcal ngineering, for their consid-
erat Ior..

     The last month hans been devoted to patting the building
and equIpment In shape "or the fall term.  A room 9X1 2 f eet,
has been built between the walls of the ad-tatstration part
of the bttlding, the engine room and the wood shop  t o ba
-aed as an ofi-tee for wood shop instructor. Re belteve that
the character of work done in our wood shop can be materially
imnroved by having a place to syslteratically handle the assign-
Ment of work In some formal Way.

     The building has been painted and thornu.,hly cleaned and
all of the apparatus and machinery has been repaired and over-
hauled, so that every thing Is in reditness for the opening
of the fall term.

     Two sets of letters have been sent to the editors of
the nswspapers of' the state, to the alumni, the high school
gradua t et; a letter 1has been -written to every hirh school
principal and county superintendent. ,e have written a letter
to all of our underalassmen, oallin- nttentioa to the nocess-
ity of making  p1 any :onditlons that they night have record-
ed against them;  the value of spending the sum-mer in some
enagineering work, and at*isabilitt of reporting on time at
the beginning of the fall term.   e have written to every
underolasa-man who had any conditIon, stating spe-cifically the
delinquiany and urging that thise  ondition be rmoved before
the beginning of the f-all term. Vie have sent two bulletins
to high school graduates. undexrclusmen,   entucky editors.
alumni, eouanty superrintendents, county Judges and attorneys,
high sbhool principals and a aueber of' promeine;t busIness men
in Lexington.

     Ve have received more direct requests for infoomatton
Concerning the college of Lechanical and i'leotrital"tagineering