September 15-19, 1962
1 September 15—Saturclay—.·\1l freshmen not registered during the summer report to Memorial Coliseum at 7:45 a.m.
All transfer students report to Memorial Coliseum at 7:45 a.m.
September 17-l9—Monday 8:00 a.m. through \Vednesday 4:50 p.ni.—ClassiHcation and registration according to
` the following alphabetical schedule:
1, 1 September 17
1 .
11 I Monday Forenoon Monday Afternoon
*‘ 8:00 to 8:50—Mort through Pas 1:00 to 1:50—Sin through Stor
1 9:00 to 9:50-Pat through Rat 2:00 to 2:50—Stos through Tro
10:00 to 10: 50-—Rau—Rur 3:00 to 3:50—Trp through \Vha
1 11:00 to 11:50-—Rus through Sim 4:00 to 4:50—Whb through Z
1 September 18
1 Tuesday Forenoorz Tuesday Afternoon
1 8:00 to 8:50—,·\ through Barnes 1:00 to 1:50—Coe through Curr i
9:00 to 9:50——l3arnet through Bos 2:00 to 2:50—Curs through Dune
1_f 10;00 to l0:50—Bot through Calc 3:00 to 3:50—Dund through Fis
r1~ 11:00 to 11:50—Cald through Cod 4:00 to 4:50-—Fit through Con 1
1 September 19 _
1 1 \Vednesday Forenoon `\Y/ednesday Afternoon
i 8:00 to 8:50-Coo through llal 1:00 to 1:50-K through Lav
1 9:00 to 9:50—llam through llig 2:00 to 2:50-Law through Map
1 10:00 to 10:50-—llih through llun 3:00 to 3:50—Maq through McM
1 11:00 to ll :50-lluo through ] 4:00 to 4: 50—McN through Mors
I1 Students transferring from University Centers to the campus will register according to the above schedule on
  l September 17, 18, and 19.
; ` February 2-6, 1963
1f February 2—Saturday—.~\ll new freshmen and transfer students report to Memorial llall at 7:45 a.m.
11 February 4-6—\londay 8:00 a.m. through \Vedncsday, 4:50 p.m.—Registration of all students according to the
following alphabetical schedule:
1 1 February 4
F 1 Monday Foreuoon Monday Afternoon
1 8:00 to S;50-—,\ through Barr 1:00 to l:50—Coon through Dem
9:00 to 9:50-Bars through Bram 2:00 to 2:50—Den through Eva
10:00 to l0;50—l’>ran through Carr 3:00 to 3:50-—Eyb through Ca
; 11:00 to ll:50—Cars through Coom 4:00 to 4:50—Cb through lrlag
i ' A
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