‘‘· ‘ T A ‘ MQP 4
  —»·— ‘     _;   .
rg  M (ff   L. The Entering Student 7
  _\t, JW    ”`   ~ The University 9
.  , `   At__       , · Fields of Study 13
A `a   A ··tS·   . . .
Q}; *‘`V “   _ ‘ Q ~ * tas Entering the University 17
.~‘ '·       7    v»  . . .
·’”         A Living Accommodations 21
.   `  t‘VV1,V     ·—;e   -,,1   . . .
  of  vV_.,·   ,4t`   ·’;`   Ex Jenses & Finaneiai Aid 24
, . _ ·i , / Z   ,... =.,.r,,,Cg§¤  I
{   up V V   WK orkmg Toward a Degree 31
, —·»=1 T           Special Opportunities 37
`     Course Numbering System 41
·  y"°¢’~“  —:i:15~_ O
P °   iri»‘     ·_`r ` Arts & Sciences 43
  A . Agricu1ture & Home Economics 119
Engineering 141
j A { Law 163
M2 L : .
‘ ; = S Education 171
Commerce 197
Pharmacy 207 ‘
Medicine 213
Nursing 225
Dentistry 229
Graduate Schoo1 233
Extended Programs 245
Contraet Teams Abroad 250
A Committees 251
Registration Scheduies 252
Sources of Information 254
I ndcx 255
Administration 257