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 P A The Enterm Student
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  I.  _.¤ Aunrvnnsrry names roersrmart students with greatly for the Umversrtys College of Arts and Sciences may
i ._ **; yy varying geographic, economic, social, political and edu- be helpful to indicate the areas most generally covered.
    I eational backgrounds. Partly as a result of this, these ISNOISISII OOMIsOSIIION_ S IIOUIIS
  ·`- students have considerably different interests and aims.  Eg)%»}IéA§JCig$CY¥g§§%»E2 IEOESSQRS
  Some have already decided upon a field of study. Many SOCIAL SCIENCES; 6 HOURS
» stm   mt- ¥5i§t%2%ITt§t25‘£§;‘Siwmsims   6 
EI   I At the University of Kentucky, each student is 1>nYs1cAL EDUCATIO`N,AT\VOA sniuizsrnnsi i
" ’ I assigned a faculty member as an advisor. The student’s   OR WLITARY SCIEYCE TWO
  · advisor will help him decide upon a program of studies YEARS i
  —. c and will explore with lmn an over-all plan for his work rrhc SIIIIICIII III]IO is IIIId€OIdCd IIIIOII IIII IIICII Og SIIIOII
ts,  , at the Um"€Y$lt$’I the Chmcc Of tl "OC¥lt10ll» wd gmdutk usually is advised to enroll in classes meeting the lower
tI   tion requirements. The advisor will be able to provide I]II·ISIOII IOIIIIIICIIICIIIS Of thc CO]]OgC Og AIIS IIIIII SCI.
  , the student with accurate information concerning the CIICCS IIIIICIC IIC WIN Cx ,1OIC SCI,CIIIt IICMS DIIIIII IIIIO
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t  I? I University. He will help the student decide how many I-OIIIS Of II.OIk III W]IIC]I ]IO COIIIOS IIIIO COIIIIICI II·II]I II
 ,   · ’L`; COUYSCS he Sh°“l¤l *lttCmPt to CZUYYI amlllgc the llOllY$ number of Specialities he will gain a background that
  thc CIHSSCS mCCt» and HPPYOVC the $ChCd“lC· should help him to choose intelligently the Held in
  -.1 I! · During the first two years of college, students gener- which he will concentrate.
-I   ally are required to take courses which lead to the The student planning to do his college work at the
_. i—`i.j i -·.= understanding of certain fundamental principles, as well University—whethcr he is an entering student or one
_f ;T ·s· as courses in their special areas of interest. Although seeking a masters degree or a doetorate——has a large
  ii _ A T€€l¤iY€1¤C¤tS VHTY $0111€Wl1¤T ff0111 college to €<>llCgC, number of areas from which to choose. These are out-
s`, [QI i the following statement of lower division requirements lineel elsewhere in this pnhlieation,