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Ask Caroline i     t ii
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i Gearing Up sr  
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i for a Job Search , i
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l ALUMNI JOB SEEKERS Did you resolve on January 1 to make '
i As a member benefit, the a job change this year? Are you be- , i
i UlllV€lf$lFV Ol Kentucky Alumni coming complacent in your current B C i. i
il ASS0C"3li'°" p"‘?V'd€S img _ position? Have company changes FV an lng  
career counseling to Alumni "Bl19'S
ii A 1 . b h h made your place of employment no i
l Ssgclamn mgm GFS li mug longer desirable? If so, use the follow- .
il the Stuckert Career Center. . . . . »
i YOU Pe eii ibie ED Utiiize mg suggestions to help you proactively 4. Prepare a 30—second commercial i
l E1 Q . . . .
i Cybercm ie,. yew. ieb eeeeeii begin your job search. l emphasizing your strengths and
i Go to WWW okyoooy _ The first thing to remember in any what you are seeking. ;
r C,3pggrQgrii;gi··_ job search is that 80 percent of all jobs 5. Read a few job search books. i
i are still found through some form of 6. Attend industry events and trade  
i EMPLOYERS networking or direct contact. With this shows.  
  To schedule on campus in mindi devote more of your job 7. Go to industry specific Web sites.  
li interviews _VVlll1 UK SUUUBVWS search time to methods that support Review press releases for hints »
i and Blumllb Cell mg UK CBPBBF this statistic. Actively seek new ways to about companies expanding or  
1 GENE" lqgcpulclng C°Ol`dlnam" expand your network (attending trade hiring. i
i at B59'257`2746 shows, professional meetings, or com- 8. Read industry specific publications. i
  i-O advertise yew, ieb anngunce munity events). or use this opportunity 9. Conductiinformational interviews.  
ii mem e_meii the emieuneememi to reconnect with colleagues and 10. Review industry salary ranges 1
ii to ooi- Jgb Opportunities friends. Who will be your professional on a Web site such as salary.com 1
i Specialist ai; ;i;pai—i