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  »   PREFACE. L
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Q   (   l Since the publication of our last City Directory, Lexington has ,
ini   made satisfactory progress in every direction.
gif   ` Important changes have been made in our organic law. Under l
    the new Constitution, a new charter, applicable to cities of the .
    second class, in which class are Lexington, Covington and New-
ly? ·' g   port, has been enacted by the Legislature; and at the election in
    ~   - the ensuing November, all the municipal ofiicers will be elected
  A {   under that charter. During the last two years under the present
  r   Mayor, Hon. Henry T. Duncan, the brick streets have been
 V “ _   greatly increased; a new and nearly perfect system of book-
   `‘·‘ Q JE` keeping with admirable checks has been adopted; the facilities  
 {   for the education of the children, white and black, have been en-  
  <_~   larged and the public credit of the city strengthened. _ i.`
A j; ,_»   The changes in_the control of the railroads have been to our fur- \
  j il ther development; the Ky. Union has passed out of the hands of _
i ff _   2 the Receiver; has been reorganized and under the name of the  
` ;;j__ ·   < Lexington dt Eastern Railroad Company, is bringing into close _'
    _ connection with the city a large, important and growing section of . _`
  j · this Qtate; the Belt Line has been purchased by the C. & O , and jj `
    . will be of much benefit; the Ky. Central now forms a part of the ·
T  —   L. &N. system.  
 ‘ i   Handsome buildings have been added by the Ky. University i
 ·g *·i· tif on the campus and by the A, & M. College on its grounds, and 2
 V ` _.   all our educational institutions have pi-ospereil, i { l
" n V   _ The \Vater \Vorks Company; under the management of its de- l `
 ‘     servedly popular superintendent, Mr. S. A. Charles, has quad-  
; L  ; rupled the capacity of its resorvoir, and put the city beyond the [ f
f  _; H ; possibility ofa water famine. V  __
M  i Our banks passed through the financial depression unscathed i  _  
  and demonstrated their solvency and the wisdom and skill of their E li`,
 i , 7,, Our population we estimate at fl6,Uf)(), which shows a steady in- ` {  
  Q crease, and buildings have gone up in every section ofthe city. Our l i  
  » . —‘._ _ past has bee11 prosperous,. our present is satisfactory and we be- _ i A  ‘./
  i, lieve confidently in our future. ] lc
{_'  .   In this work we furnish the proof of our progress itlld we com- `  
    mend it to the reader for further information. . _    
    L1·;xrNo*r0N. KY., August 20, 1895. l   l  
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