
          C. R. Harmon and Sons      Merry Monarch    Aberdeen-Angus
             Lebanon, Ky.
          C. 0e. Graves              Beau Domino 2d   Hereford
             Georgetown, Ky.

                                        Yours very truly

                                        Thomas P.. Cooper
                                        Dean and Director

          P. S.   This does not include steers purchased, several hav-
          ing been offered us at a very low price.

     (14) Sale of Lot to City of Lexinaton.   President McVey reported to
the Board that the City of' Lexington desired to. purchase from the University
a lot on Winslow Street for the purpose of enabling the Street Department
to extend Lexingtor' Avenue thru to Winslow Street.  He reported that the
lot had cost the University approximately $820.   On motion, duly'made and
seconded, it was ordered that the lot be sold to the city at cost, plus any
additionl -items of cost since its acquisition, including interest, and
that the: Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Board
be authorized to execute a deed for its transfer.

     (15) Furniture and Eguipment for Ne V' Dormitory.  The members of the
Board made a personal inspection of the new dormitory, for the purpose of
selecting furniture zad other equipment needed before its opening.   After
an inspection of samples submitted the following action was taken:  (a) The
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds was authorized to put a concrete
walk, 12 x 30 feet in front of the building and cinder -walks leading to the'
campus.   (b) The bid of Brower and Company, Lexingtonj Kentucky, for $164-75
for shades foi- the windows, was accepted.  (c) The bid of Rogers 2nd Son,
Frankfort, Kentucky, for 100 bedroom chairs, like sample submitted, was ac-
cepted,. the chairs to cost $4.35 each, finished in fumed oak, of same shade
as other furniture to be selected.   (d) The bid of Frazer and Morrell, Lem-
ington, Kentucky for Denzar lighting units and other lights specified,
$795.65, was accepted.   (3) A committee consisting of President MoVey, Mr.
"sells, and Mr. McKee, -ras appointed to make further selection of furniture,
beds; chiffoniers, etc.

     On motion, the Board adjourned.

                                         Respectfully submitted

                                            Wellington Patrick

Secretary of the Board