WHEREAS, Scott Wendelsdorf's term as a member of the Board of
Trustees of the University ended on May 12, 1973; and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to recognize in an appro-
priate manner the contributions which he made as the fifth student member
to serve on the Board and the first student member to be accorded a vote;

       WHEREAS, he took his responsibilities as a Board member seriously,
doing his homework before each meeting so that he was completely cognizant
of what effect the agenda items might have on the student body, and was ready
to defend or argue against such items as the case might be in a logical and
articulate manner; and

      WHEREAS, his insistence on a full and open discussion helped to
clarify issues to the benefit of all concerned; and

      WHEREAS, his native intelligence and his political acumen were ever
sources of stimulation and challenge to his fellow members: Therefore, be it

      RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, recognize with thanks and
appreciation Mr. Wendelsdorf's role as a member of the Board and extend
to him its best wishes for success in his future pursuits.